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location inside a thread Started by Jorin · · Read 1751 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

location inside a thread

I am member of now and they have this for registered members, showing you exactly where inside the thread you are! Great idea for long threads!

The arrows are leading you to the next post or to the top or bottom of the thread page. The numbers show which post number of the page you are reading (it's centered in the monitor) and the line shows your position on the threads page.

Very nice! Would love to see that here.

Re: location inside a thread

Reply #1

Kind of cool looking ... how does that control work?

Are the double arrows basically previous and next page of the thread and the single arrows the next/previous post on the page?  Is the control always at the top of the view?  (sorry did not want to register just to find out!)

Re: location inside a thread

Reply #2

Double arrow: When you are on top of page 1, at first post, of the thread the down double arrow leads to the bottom of page 1, the last post. A click on the down double button (if you are already at the bottom of the page) again leads to the top of the following page, page 2 in this example. Clicking again on the down double arrow, you are leaded to the bottom of page 2, and so forth.

Single arrow: Seems to do the same as the double arrow, just with posts instead of pages. You will be lead from post to post all the way up or down the page. It seems to have some problems with the IE I am using now though.  ;)

The controls are always visible, as the blue header part is always shown on top of the window.

Would be cool if you could insert the page number you want to visit if you click on the text (7/20 in this example).


Re: location inside a thread

Reply #3

you can see a demo here, there is no need to register
sorry for my bad english