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Needed testing for 1.1 Started by emanuele · · Read 2243 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Needed testing for 1.1

If anyone have a few minutes, a test site and a 1.0 site, it would be great to have some feedback on the upgrade.
It was tested, but considering the variability of data and environments, testing is hardly ever enough. :)

If you find any issue with it, feel free to open a topic in the Bug Reports board. ;D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Needed testing for 1.1

Reply #1

I can test it tomorrow evening if this helps? What exactly do you need to be done?

Re: Needed testing for 1.1

Reply #2

What feedback do you need?  I just upgraded a couple of domains.  Yeah, there must be madness to hit a live site, but planning to do the Big Girl soon.   :o  :D

Re: Needed testing for 1.1

Reply #3

First if it works (the upgrade, that is). xD
Then... if there is any problem afterwards, but first if the upgrade script reaches the end, because a while ago there were few problems (white pages, the ajax stuck more or less randomly, etc.).
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: Needed testing for 1.1

Reply #4

Ran it last night on a site with 133,090 Posts in 2,212 Topics by 497 Members.  Probably slightly fewer at the time.  ;D

It ran flawlessly (other than the known issue with the MarkAsRead file).  The upgrade only took a few seconds.  Dropped in the old css files as custom_stuff.css and the site was back online. 

If any of this matters, here's the server setup:

VPS, two core, 2G ram
nginx 1.10.2
php 7.0.14  running as fpm, 20M mem limit
mariaDB 10.1