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Huge Icons Started by Allan · · Read 1944 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Huge Icons

I thought I saw something on this already and couldn't find it, but I am installing a new elkarte community and the icons on my theme Deep are huge, I mean really huge  :P  and I can't figure out huge to change them. I pretty sure it has to do with fontawesome.

Re: Huge Icons

Reply #1

Even a mobile user would be able to hit those on the first try :D

Soooo here is the deal.  For the most part 1.0 themes work on 1.1, but in 1.1 we moved from font awesome and went to SVG based vector icons.  As such you need to add some more style info to your themes index.css file.   Look in the default index.css for the $ICONS section, I think you will need most of that code in you custom theme.

For starters, you should add
Code: [Select]
.icon, .helpicon, .warnicon, .infoicon, .chevricon {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 .25em;
width: 1.25em;
height: auto;
vertical-align: middle;
line-height: 1.25em;

and that should bring those icons back under control.   If you theme requires font awesome, you can enable that in your themes index template but adding 'require_font-awesome' => true, to the template init array.

Re: Huge Icons

Reply #3

It was a theme issue, so making  anew one  ;)


Re: Huge Icons

Reply #4

@Allan A new project, nice to know that.