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Few development tools for dev/designers Started by Joker™ · · Read 2611 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Few development tools for dev/designers

Hi All,

While working I came across some nice tools which are proving helpful in development, thought of sharing them here as well

1. SnappySnippet - Firebug/Chrome dev tool helps you to copy html/css of element, but what if you want to copy the html & css(inherited as well) including child elements, one seems to be stuck. SnappySnippet, helps you to complete this specific task only in most handy way.

2. Yeoman - Help to kickstart in building beautiful web applications, by taking care of dependent libraries(like backboneJS, angular JS etc) and providing different choices/sets of libraries.

3. Polymer Framework - Latest play tool provided by google to make awesome UI elements leaveraging latest feature of HTML5 called 'Web Components'

Will be updating the list as I come across more of them.

- Jokerzzz


Re: Few development tools for dev/designers

Reply #1

Cool stuff! :D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.