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Board URI as slug Started by Joshua Dickerson · · Read 1677 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Board URI as slug

The idea is to have an option to make the board URI use a slug. It would be index.php?board=Feature-Discussion and then another column (varchar(100) or similar) which would hold that. The old ID style would still work because it would check if it were a number first. If not, it would check for the board by name. It would also not allow the admin to make a slug that matches an ID or an already existing slug. It would be a forum-wide setting so you would have to assign a slug to each board if you turned it on.

It isn't a huge feature but I think it makes it makes the forum a little nicer.

Re: Board URI as slug

Reply #1

Well, it's not exactly a simple one either, because at least we'd have to use the slug in place of the "usual" id, that means swap the numeric id_board in some of the $context with the string slug. But as usual do that on 1.1 codebase would mean have potential unexpected breakages here and there due to the fact that some functions may expect the numeric id, etc.

Honestly, at that point, I'd push out 1.1 as it is and start using a proper routing as proposed by both you (a long time ago) and @ant59 (more recently) for 2.0.

Then, of course, if you are sure enough nothing will break we can try it. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: Board URI as slug

Reply #2

I can't seem to find the post about the idea but the ID would be loaded on every page because all of the boards would be loaded on every page.

I thought it was a post where Arantor was mocking me wanting to cache more but alas I can't find it.