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index.english.php => line jumper Started by wintstar · · Read 2882 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

index.english.php => line jumper

index.english.php => line jumper  #issue 2317

Code: (php) [Select]
$txt['splittopic_default'] = 'One or more of the messages of this topic have been moved to [BOARD]

Ought to be in a row
Code: (php) [Select]
$txt['splittopic_default'] = 'One or more of the messages of this topic have been moved to [BOARD] - [TOPIC LINK]';

Regards Stephan

Re: index.english.php => line jumper

Reply #1

Is there a specific reason for this request?
I think a dot is missing after "[BOARD]", though I don't dislike having the topic link on the new line, it is the same structure of the "move notice" after all.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: index.english.php => line jumper

Reply #2

To me, it looks better, topic on new row. Keep it that way, please.  :)

Re: index.english.php => line jumper

Reply #3

Code: (php) [Select]
This is only after a blank line and that's what I mean.  In my opinion I think that this is, either in a row with
Code: (php) [Select]
$txt['splittopic_default'] = 'One or more of the messages of this topic have been moved to [BOARD]
or without blank line comes directly under it.

Regards Stephan

Re: index.english.php => line jumper

Reply #4

Useless empty line, indeed. I like it more on a single line as well, but apparently it's just you and me ;D
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: index.english.php => line jumper

Reply #5

Are you meaning, replace this:

Code: [Select]
$txt['splittopic_default'] = 'One or more of the messages of this topic have been moved to [BOARD]


With this, removing the blank line?

Code: [Select]
$txt['splittopic_default'] = 'One or more of the messages of this topic have been moved to [BOARD]

That, yes, I can agree with, although, it really makes no difference.


Wait a minute... I just thought of something, that none of use did before. That would not cause a line break, as there's no code for one, meaning, no

Means, what @emanuele and I commented on before,

Quote from: emanuele – having the topic link on the new line, it is the same structure of the "move notice" after all.

Is not actually caused by the space, and combining it in one line, should not have the previously thought effect.

Re: index.english.php => line jumper

Reply #6

Sorry, but you lost me.
I'm pretty sure it's because I'm sleeping right now, so I'll read again everything tomorrow morning. O:-)

To explain better what I mean with the sentence Burke Knight quoted:
Code: [Select]
$txt['movetopic_default'] = 'This topic has been moved to [BOARD]


Code: [Select]
$txt['splittopic_default'] = 'One or more of the messages of this topic have been moved to [BOARD]


The two notices have the same structure (in fact, to create splittopic, I just copied movetopic and changed the text.

Either way, I don't really care that much what the structure is, as long as it is consistent, so if one is changed I'd like to see the other changed as well.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: index.english.php => line jumper

Reply #7

Yeah sure consistency doesn't matter I think we all agree on that (it needs to be the same), what we are talking about is which consistency to apply :P
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~


Re: index.english.php => line jumper

Reply #8

I noticed the blank line. That was it, for this post and Issue.
Regards Stephan