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Switching between SMF and Elkarte Started by andy · · Read 2209 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Switching between SMF and Elkarte

If I change from SMF to Elkarte it is just as easy to go back (reuse the same database)?
Does the conversion need a converter (both ways) or just the same database and new files?
Wondering if there are any changes to the database that would cause trouble if I decided to go back to SMF in a few weeks or months.

Users, passwords, paid subscriptions etc.


Re: Switching between SMF and Elkarte

Reply #1

It doesn't appear as if the Open Importer supports Elk as a source or SMF as a destination yet. Coding such would probably be trivial considering they are currently destination/source options currently.

Re: Switching between SMF and Elkarte

Reply #2

I doubt you'll want to go back. I'd recommend taking a backup of your SMF forum, converting that to ElkArte, and then attempting to connect SMF to that.

I wouldn't get your hopes up about someone creating a converter for OpenImporter.

Re: Switching between SMF and Elkarte

Reply #3

Nope, it's not possible to use the same database, you need a conversion (actually an "importing" since the original database is not touched).

A while ago there was some interest (by an SMF team member) to create an SMF importer for OI, though the lack of time has played a major role.
Anyway, I would like to have one at some point (likely when I can get OI work the way I want it to LOL).

I would strongly suggest to do your tests: create a clone of your forum (e.g. on your own computer using xampp or equivalents, or on some free hosting, being just for test you can simply wipe it out when done) and try out things, maybe even ask some of your users to join the testing and share their opinion on the move.
I think it's better to move this way rather than have to go back and forth from a forum script and another. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Switching between SMF and Elkarte

Reply #4

That was quick, thanks.
I worry about maintaining our club data long term. If Elkarte development stopped I would need a way back to some other software. Perhaps by then there would be a converter.
I'm also quite heavily modded (on smf) so need to assess the effects of maybe not having the mods.

I can play around with it on some other webhosting I still have. It might be better than waiting for 2.1.

Re: Switching between SMF and Elkarte

Reply #5

You never know what happens long term...
But It is always possible to write a converter and move to the next Software. Elkarte is running on MySql or pgsql on you're Server. So you are not really locked in if things go wrong.


Re: Switching between SMF and Elkarte

Reply #6

QuoteYou never know what happens long term...

Because of this I have stuck with some of the bigger open source projects  which are easy to convert to something else with off the shelf converters (Joomla, phpBB... now SMF). That is why I'm reluctant to burn my bridge and jump to something smaller. I was asking (elsewhere) to get Elkarte promoted more so it can grow. I hope it does as it looks like a breath of fresh air for SMF code.
Even the big ones don't always survive though. The photo gallery was Menalto which decide to close its doors (small developer group). Great software - number one gallery, but gone.