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Smileys and my dilemma Started by tpgames · · Read 1735 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Smileys and my dilemma

Idea: Have it where by we can number our smileys such that when we upload them to the server, the code can recognize the smileys and then put them automatically in that numerical (with all the text that comes after the number in the smiley title, be ignored.) And make tabbed smileys a core feature that just works better over time. (With the ability to name the tabs, and move smileys to whichever tab you want without too much issues.)

Thus: 1ichi.png would be read as 1 or 1.png
2ducky.png would be read as 2 or 2.png.
3buch.png would be read as 3 or 3.png.

We would still have to insert in our own custom code for the smiley, which I'm fine with OR we could have code do this:
Smiley order:     1.png       |  2.png            | 3.png etc.
Custom Code:   1ichi;        | 2ducky           | 3buch; etc.
Origianl name:  1ichi.png  |  2ducky.png   | 3buch.png

I do love the idea of the smiley tabs which does NOT work on smf 2.0.11 which brought me to ElkArte.

However, smiley management has always been a bit of a nightmare for me due to the numerous smileys I have for many different purposes.

Short List:
Square smileys with one letter on it with characters from various languages, including the complete Hiragana and Katakana set (including the new ones).
Various Vikings smileys for Character development
Bullet smileys for organization of a post idea
Trophy smileys
Number smileys
Books to indicate various subjects
Smileys specifically for User A
Smileys specifically for User B (only 2 users total here!)
Genre smileys
long lines smileys (post organization)
and a lot more.

In short, I have over 400 smileys on my private forum. 

1. 25 smileys in post, and the rest on Pop-up was okay, but not the best.
2. Have one line of smileys per tab obviously doesn't work if I want all Hiragana on the same tab. (Think around 66 characters).  And, with the Tabbed Smiley not working so well on SMF, I'm hoping it works better here.
3. Manually moving one smiley at a time is painfully slow. Which is why my idea. If we can have crackers with their robots reading all our stuff behind the scenes, why can't we have a code that read all the images in the smiley folder? Furthermore, I am aware of the SMF discussion on why drag and drop for smiley placement was a nightmarish idea. However, I'd love to see that implemented somehow.  :D  ;)

Thanks!  ;D
.ps Just installed ElkArte, so I have not been able to play around with Tabbed Smiley yet.

Re: Smileys and my dilemma

Reply #1

Welcome to ElkArte :)


Re: Smileys and my dilemma

Reply #2

400? wow, that's a lot.. take a look at:
it's not smiley management but maybe you can use it instead of (some) smileys..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich