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Progressive Web Apps, part 2 Started by badmonkey · · Read 3061 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Progressive Web Apps, part 2

You guys probably recall the recent query regarding PWAs. Well, I have successfully implemented a basic PWA setup on three Elk deployments.  They work great for the most part!  Users LOVE having a dedicated "app" on their homescreen, complete with site logo. Site participation is up.  We can sing all the praises, yada yada.  Definitely way cool.   8)

On a side note, I'll share with the Elk community a detailed writeup to get it working once a few bugs are squished.  Hopefully some of the fine folks here can help make the last part happen.   ;D

The biggest operational issue is hover effects do not work as expected.  For example, the header menu dropdowns do not appear with a hover on desktop.  Users must click them.  Granted, mobile users don't know the difference.  However, there is a place where they DO know the difference.  Under Forum Stats, clicking the arrow to expand a month, the arrow does not respond the first click but does on the second.  That is true for desktop or mobile.  

Does anyone have an idea?  I have no idea what information should be included to begin the troubleshooting process here.  Thanks for your help!   8)

Re: Progressive Web Apps, part 2

Reply #1

By chance did you enable the "click" menu option?
There is one I think in the theme config.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Progressive Web Apps, part 2

Reply #2

Quote from: emanuele – By chance did you enable the "click" menu option?
There is one I think in the theme config.

Well, now that you mention it, that WAS enabled.  Not sure how or why because it isn't a feature I'd consider desirable.  Nor is there a recollection of doing so, and hover did work before....

 badmonkey is losing his mind....   ;D

This was the case on 3 sites too.

Thus fixes the menu hover.  The stats thing persists.  Sort of.  On the two larger sites it persists.  On the smallest it actually has worked properly the whole time.  Go figure.   :-X


Re: Progressive Web Apps, part 2

Reply #3

Also, file upload progress bars are inoperative.  Curiously enough.