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Inline Images Started by markholley · · Read 1729 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Inline Images

Good day,

I also posted this in the Development area - I apologize for the double-post as I'm still learning my way around here.

I downloaded and installed ElkArte yesterday and I'm in love with it - so easy to configure and to extend. If any developers or contributors are reading this, I appreciate your work.

On my favorite forum which is a Discourse-type forum I think, there's the option to just drag a JPG from your PC into your post text-box and have that upload somewhere and show automatically when you hit the "Post" button. Is something like this available for ElkArte? I'm using the image tags for inline images, but that means that I have to upload images to whatever host I want to use and then go to the URL and copy it, (even if it's just to make sure I'm getting all the percent 20s for spaces in there), and put it between the image tags and do things that way. I mean, that works and if it's what I have to do to avoid paying $100 per month it's all cool with me, but it's a bit of a jog.

As far as image hosting goes, I don't care if images get uploaded to my web space area. My site is a journal-portfolio site and frankly if three people wind up uploading anything at all to my forum I'll consider the whole thing to be an unqualified success and I'll go out for a drink or something. What I'm saying is that my traffic is going to be very low, there's no general-interest stuff there.

Thanks, and thank you all again for the great stuff.  :)

- Mark


Re: Inline Images

Reply #1

Hi Mark and welcome to elkarte.
There is no need to post the same question in different boards, let's close this one and continue in the other topic
sorry for my bad english