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Problems/Bugs that I Found Started by Mstcool · · Read 3248 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Problems/Bugs that I Found

First Problem

Alright so, when I am installing ElkArte on my website.....when we get to the step where we make an admin account, it says that the username cant be changed later. But thats false because I can change it afterwards!!!! So, fix that? :p

I did post this on github as well because I am confused about where to post this kinda thing.

EDIT: So we post bugs that we find in the files, in this board, right? Or on github?

Second Problem

When we go to Profile>modify profile>account settings and look at "additional groups", it looks weird. Did you guys change it because the font looks bigger and it just looks weird. So instead of [show additional groups] it says >Show Additional Groups

Oh and, where do I change the font size in this editor?

Third Bug

Now, this is in this forum, I haven't tested it on mine yet. When we click on "more" (which is beside a persons post on the right side), it doesn't show up, it only shows up when a person hovers over it. :p
Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 06:32:01 pm by Mstcool

Re: Problems/Bugs that I Found

Reply #1

Quote from: Mstcool – EDIT: So we post bugs that we find in the files, in this board, right? Or on github?
The preferred is usually github. This board should be for anyone that has an account here and doesn't want to register at github.
That said, from time to time I drop bugs here just because I have the page already open... yeah, not so strong reason... lol

Quote from: Mstcool – When we go to Profile>modify profile>account settings and look at "additional groups", it looks weird. Did you guys change it because the font looks bigger and it just looks weird. So instead of [show additional groups] it says >Show Additional Groups
Yeah, probably slightly bigger then the rest... /me blames Spuds. :P

Quote from: Mstcool – Oh and, where do I change the font size in this editor?
Try clicking a few buttons! :P

Quote from: Mstcool – Third Bug

Now, this is in this forum, I haven't tested it on mine yet. When we click on "more" (which is beside a persons post on the right side), it doesn't show up, it only shows up when a person hovers over it. :p
Not really a bug since if "hover" is default it does over on everything, so it's consistency. :P
Though, yes, I may agree that in this case an exception could be done.

Usually is much better: 1 bug => 1 topic/issue with subject describing the bug. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Problems/Bugs that I Found

Reply #2

QuoteUsually is much better: 1 bug => 1 topic/issue with subject describing the bug. ;)

Das vhat I vas doin'. But I felt like I was spammin' y'all. But if you insist.

There is one more bug that I explained here:

Re: Problems/Bugs that I Found

Reply #3

Quote from: Mstcool – Now, this is in this forum, I haven't tested it on mine yet. When we click on "more" (which is beside a persons post on the right side), it doesn't show up, it only shows up when a person hovers over it. :p
I was looking into this: it's somehow a pain if I'm not off-track.
One possibility is to add an
Code: [Select]
event.stopPropagation();return false;
instead of the simple return false, though that could not work in IE and should not be there if using the click...
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Problems/Bugs that I Found

Reply #4

i dont think itll matter as much for IE because not many people use it anymore.

Re: Problems/Bugs that I Found

Reply #5

QuoteYeah, probably slightly bigger then the rest... /me blames Spuds. :P
I reduced it in a pending PR, its the same text height for the fieldset legend everywhere so the change effects all locations.  Its still slightly larger than the rest of the text since its sort of a header.

Re: Problems/Bugs that I Found

Reply #7

reporte........d by Mstcool. LOL!! Thats funny. :')