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Tables and responsive design Started by emanuele · · Read 2834 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Re: The endless collection of...

Tables and responsive design

Quote from: Flavio93Zena –
Quote from: Jorin – table, tr, td
These aren't very good, I suggest you use lists, they are more responsive ;)
The web is not only about responsiveness.
There are cases where tables are the solution.

And tables can be almost as much responsive as lists with just a little bit of efforts..

Anyway, in the original discussion we were talking about BBCodes, and you would agree that you cannot style a list to appear like a table from within a post, because you'd have to add css to the post itself and all nasty things like that. ;)
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Re: Tables and responsive design

Reply #1

Well, you basically recoded the theme and dropped all tables in elkarte (in favor of lists, which is SOOOO good IMO), which is the same thing they did in 2.1. I can't do the same because I am alone working on my forum, but at least I have made those pester tables somewhat responsive. However, the only really efficient way to make them responsive is to... Partially drop them XD
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Tables and responsive design

Reply #2

But you are talking about tables used to give "shape" to the page, and that's of course "not right", but you can't just "scrap any table out there because tables are evil".
Tables are necessary when you want to present tabular data. That's their reason to exit.
If you want to publish a set of data from an Excel spreadsheet, tables is the way to go. It doesn't make sense to create lists to present data that are a table.
Then of course there are all sort of tricks to have list work the same as tables, but that's as much as bad as use tables for everything.

And of course there are edge cases, like the members list. That could either be a table or a list, one or the other doesn't really make any difference (semantically).
Bugs creator.
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Re: Tables and responsive design

Reply #3

That's very true, I didn't mean it like "Tables are evil and should never be used", but it probably sounded like that  O:-)
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Tables and responsive design

Reply #4

Quote from: emanuele –
Anyway, in the original discussion we were talking about BBCodes, and you would agree that you cannot style a list to appear like a table from within a post, because you'd have to add css to the post itself and all nasty things like that. ;)

No, but I've experimented with preset color-sets for BBC tables, that could be something. That is..the table tag itself is unstyled, but adding an option of a CSS class to it, would make the already-written CSS styles kick in.

Not so sure about anyone actually used it lol, but it seemed a logical way to avoid inline.styling BBC tables.(which is kind of hard with just BBC tags lol) and I got to include some of the nice sets already been hammered out on the net.