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EMail Replies to the EA forum Started by Steeley · · Read 46365 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: EMail Replies to the EA forum

Reply #45

Quote from: Ruth – I will never ever activate this feature,   :wink:
I also don't use this feature, but in some cases it might be useful, Steeley has a particular forum with particular members, and if I remember well this was the main feature that he needed for a forum ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: EMail Replies to the EA forum

Reply #46

Quote from: Ruth – You want another reply here, Steeley?

I will never ever activate this feature,  :wink:
because I think, members should log in on forum,
if they want to communicate with others and take part.

No need for another post Ruth - turned out this time my reply email fail-to-post was a one-off (and may well have been related to a "loose nut on my keyboard" - I didn't keep a copy of the reply email to see what, if anything, I might have done wrong, so I can't rule that out).

Email participation for my forum was a requirement, since I was porting a yahoo group that was being shut down by the list owner and most of the members participated via email.  Also high on the list was the member's ability to opt-in/out of topics (which Yahoo didn't support). ElkArte was the only acceptable platform I could identify.
(There was another I spun my wheels on for about 6 months that supposedly directly supported Yahoo groups, but turned out to have a fatal bug that rendered that email function useless, that the developers had no interest in addressing. As it turned out, Yahoo eventually just shut down their whole groups platform so I guess they were prudent in abandoning that support anyway. And since it was a complete bloated CMS system and I only needed a part of it, EA was much simpler to install and configure, thusly much more perfect for my needs).

I assume most folks just log in here to see what's going on, maybe prompted by received emailed posts from the platform that they've selected - and mostly I also do that here, but I occasionally do an email reply .. if nothing else it helps keep Spuds on his toes with the ever-changing email protocols.. :grin:
Last Edit: March 20, 2023, 02:04:23 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: EMail Replies to the EA forum

Reply #47

Quote from: Steeley – if nothing else it helps keep Spuds on his toes with the ever-changing email protocols
Very true LOL

The reason ElkArte supports PBE/List server like functionality, is that It was a capability I  needed it to transition a Yahoo group to a Forum platform, just like Steeley said.  Members would not move if they could not get/reply all via email, it was just what they were used to.

I did this many years before Yahoo shut down groups, I think around the time they moved to their Neo? version of groups.  I also transitioned a few other Yahoo groups to forums at the end of Yahoo.  I will say I lost some brain cells trying to convert Yahoo data to MySql

Re: EMail Replies to the EA forum

Reply #48

Quote from: Spuds – I will say I lost some brain cells trying to convert Yahoo data to MySql

Um..yea.. I hear ya.. it hurts just thinking what I went through trying to massage the yahoo contents (messages, users, relationships, etc..) into a database format the forum could import and use - finally abandoned the effort, converted 20 years of yahoo messaging repackaged in a db3 container to html (db2html - cool free program) and created an "archive" board with one locked topic - contains a link to the html package on the server..  not the most elegant solution but suffices and allowed my few remaining synapses to cool off.  Like radu81 intimated, I had 'other things to do" that I loosely categorize as "life".

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //