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Board Permissions: [X} = Ignore Started by Steeley · · Read 19104 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Board Permissions: [X} = Ignore

Reply #15

As a wrap up to this thread, here is how board permissions work:

Assume a user is assigned to member group A

If you set the access permissions for the board this way..

Group A --- A  X  [D]
Group B --- [A]  X  D

...that user is denied access because the user is in group A

If the user is assigned instead to group B, (instead of group A) then that user has access to that board.

But, what if the user is assigned to both group A and group B?

Answer: By virtue of membership in group A set to "D", the user still can not access that board.

BUT, if the board permissions are set THIS way..

Group A --- A  [X]  D
Group B --- [A]  X  D

Then a user with membership in group A is still denied, but if a member of both groups the member IS allowed access to that board because of membership also in group B.

"D" means any/every member of that group is explicitly denied permission (regardless of any other group memberships).
'X" means (conditional) denied permission, denied unless the user is also a member of a group that has permission [A].
"A" means (conditional) granted permission, granted unless the user is also a member of a group that is explicitly denied [D] permission.

Another example (this applies to all permission logic - member or board permissions - in EA permission settings):

Group A ---  A  X  [D]
Group B ---  A [X]  D
Group C --- [A] X  D

A member of group A is denied permission regardless of any other group membership
A member of group B is denied permission unless also a member of group C
A member of group C is granted permission unless also a member of group A

If you set group A to X above, then anyone with group C membership has the permission, now including group A members if they are also a member of group C.

Hope this helps explain the permission logic (regardless of what the help text says or seems to imply)  :stuck_out_tongue: 
Last Edit: May 19, 2023, 06:59:51 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Board Permissions: [X} = Ignore

Reply #17

I’m not sure I’d call X “denied”. A = allow, they have permission. X = doesn’t have permission (but not that they cant have permission). D = cannot have permission at all.

Other systems approach this as “Yes/No/Never” for avoidance of doubt, where yes = has permission, no = doesn’t have permission, never = can’t have permission. Same deal, explained better (IMO)

Re: Board Permissions: [X} = Ignore

Reply #18

Quote from: Arantor – I’m not sure I’d call X “denied”. A = allow, they have permission. X = doesn’t have permission (but not that they cant have permission). D = cannot have permission at all.

Other systems approach this as “Yes/No/Never” for avoidance of doubt, where yes = has permission, no = doesn’t have permission, never = can’t have permission. Same deal, explained better (IMO)

How about "Yes(unless Never too)", "No(unless Yes too)"?

Quote from: Steeley – Hope this helps explain the permission logic (regardless of what the help text says or seems to imply)  :stuck_out_tongue: 

Maybe we need an English Translations Sub-board under Localizations... :joy:
Last Edit: June 14, 2023, 02:09:21 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //