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Orion - theme preview Started by Bloc · · Read 63880 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #30

Yes, agreed. Pictures with long hash names makes no sense to show.But it is in the title attribute so you can still see it by holding over the image.

Yup, the clicks will need to go back, thinking of a nice round "counter" type for this.

Also, be fun to do something about which of your buddies are online, the data is there, just not shown anywhere(as I know of). The count of likes and mentions total might also be nice..maybe a "most liked/mentioned post" in stats page. But also your personal likes/mentions should be somewhere(both unread and read ones, to see the progress)

We'll see how it lands, still other templates to complete first. :)

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #31

Quote from: Bloc – The count of likes and mentions total might also be nice..maybe a "most liked/mentioned post" in stats page.
There is a like stats in Elkarte 1.1, you can see it under Community -> Like Stats;sa=likestats
sorry for my bad english

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #32

Aha, thanks @radu81 , I seem to have missed that section. :)

EDIT: no wonder..its not in 1.0.9, only in 1.1. But still, good that its present.
Last Edit: October 09, 2016, 02:34:32 pm by Bloc

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #34

Super cool, nice to see a new and fresh theme getting ready for Elkarte.  :)

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #35

A little update again:

Things are beginning to finish up, at least for the initial beta of the theme. I am right now utilizing Chart.js for some nice graphs on the statistics page and will be moving to PM and Profile pages next. After that its pretty much done, aside from the expected bugs lol.

Theres also the "theme news" - I plan to have a news section on the "current theme settings page", for news on updates on theme and/or other themes.  

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #36

Cool !   I've wanted to play around with chart.js for the stats page to "bling" it up a bit.  Looking forward to what you come up with :D

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #37

Chart.js is great..but its the Stats page that gives me a bit trouble lol. Its ajax-based so its not instantly transferable to Chart.js(well, it might be but I am no javascript aficionado )

EDIT: Never mind, it seems I can work out a way using regular links.  8)
Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 02:04:19 pm by Bloc

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #38

I've honestly always wanted to just dump the stats page. :P Especially profile stats. The only reason I have ever looked at the profile stats page was when I had to debug the bloody thing. The rest of the time I have never even gone there, in all the years I have been using SMF and Elk. I really do think it is so close to utterly useless that it's not worth the code.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #39

Stats page have always been useful for me, as an admin, to see the progress of the whole forum. Doing it with charts helps alot to visualize that progress I think.

But the profile stats is another deal, not quite sure what the reasons were for listing where you posted the most etc. ..but here too I think a visualization will go along way of making it a bit more interesting. I opted for graphs in Stats's Forum activity but Chart.js can do lots of stuff: piebars, bars, scatter diagrams etc. It'll be fun finding out what will be suitable. :)

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #40

I also find the forum status page quite useful, and use it to look at site wide tends etc.

The profile stats page is a bit hidden so does not get much use, perhaps improved placement and some better eye candy with chart.js will help it out.  I remember when I first found it as a user and was like, humm interesting what boards and times I post .. I guess its a form of forum voyeurism for some :P  Now I probably only look at it when its time for a release to make sure it still works !

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #41

Well yes, some aspects of the forum stats can be useful for an admin. OTOH, I think some of it is still useless and could realistically be dropped. It does chew a huge amount of queries to generate all that crud.

Personally I would keep some of the general stats section, ditch the boxes under that (or at least most of them), and keep the forum history. I also think it could usefully be made visible only to admins, since it's not really relevant to anyone else.

Profile stats? Even with better eye candy (and I have played around with that in the past) the basic problem still remains: it's just not interesting or relevant content. If it was eye candied up to the max I might take one look so I could go "Ooo, shiny!", but after that the only reason I'd look at it is if I wanted to nick some of the eye candy ideas for somewhere else.

Seriously, has anyone given thought to whether profile stats are worth all the code required to run them? I can't think of a better example of the YAGNI principle.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #42

Quote from: Spuds – I also find the forum status page quite useful, and use it to look at site wide tends etc.
Me too and I miss the smf / elkarte stats in other forum software
sorry for my bad english

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #43

Quote from: Antechinus – Well yes, some aspects of the forum stats can be useful for an admin. OTOH, I think some of it is still useless and could realistically be dropped. It does chew a huge amount of queries to generate all that crud.

Personally I would keep some of the general stats section, ditch the boxes under that (or at least most of them), and keep the forum history. I also think it could usefully be made visible only to admins, since it's not really relevant to anyone else.

Profile stats? Even with better eye candy (and I have played around with that in the past) the basic problem still remains: it's just not interesting or relevant content. If it was eye candied up to the max I might take one look so I could go "Ooo, shiny!", but after that the only reason I'd look at it is if I wanted to nick some of the eye candy ideas for somewhere else.

Seriously, has anyone given thought to whether profile stats are worth all the code required to run them? I can't think of a better example of the YAGNI principle.

I have actually put all the main stuff in stats page in tabs, so forum history is a tab for itself(can also be set to be the first tab to be entered when visiting stats. Thought about theme variable that remembers last tab for each user..but so far not adding that lol), that works well to reduce the clutter of a "show everything and the kitchen sink" type of page.

Profile page use a lot of space(stats part) on all these small "pie" icons but a big overall piechart would work better there I think. Same with the multipel bars for times when you visited...that got to be shrunk down somewhat, maybe a scatter diagram or cloud type..just not all these bars.

Because, as you say, are we really that interested? :) Maybe chuncks of time, like "mostly at night from 3-7" would be more interesting, and for that those chart types I mentioned might do the trick. Anything but a stack of bars that really - for me - actually confuse a bit. I tend to look at those and think "what a nice graph-like stack of bars" and then think again.."oh it seems I am most active around 3-7(ish)" before looking at the nice "graph" again. :D It should be obvious right away, no confusion hesitation IMHO.

Re: Orion - theme preview

Reply #44

Another update:

Keep getting closer to a release, with focus on profile and who pages next.

But I have to say...its jolly hard to work with the templates, there are unique stuff/styles in every template. Little focus have been on re-use here, which should have been very important when so many different templates are used in a single application. Thus its hard to actually change anything, because while it might change on MessageIndex, the similar Unread template will have other styles again, overriding it. This is slightly better in the public tempaltes, but the admin ones are a nightmare(..)

TBH I am being a bit lazy here, my initial gut reaction is to rewrite everything with as few styles as possible(and to some degree I have already ) but I don't want to use that amount of time of rewriting every I am now just putting band-aid code/styles on those templates I don't change. That means I will keep finding small stuff that doesn't render correctly, but life is short lol.