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ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement Started by emanuele · · Read 48957 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Today, we are pleased to release ElkArte 1.1.4. This release addresses a minor security issue, the introduction of the acceptance of the agreement and privacy policy (related to the GDPR EU regulation) and several bugs identified after the release of ElkArte 1.1.3. As this is a maintenance release, the majority of the updates are focused on bug fixes and increased stability.

This is patch contains a security fix and we strongly encourage anyone running any previous version.

This release follows our semantic version (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), meaning that third-point (x.x.X) releases should contain backwards-compatible bug fixes and enhancements, so for the most part you will not find new features in this release. Major new features will be reserved for second point versions (x.X.x).

Refer to the release notes on the forum for a complete list of updates. (Release notes are not yet ready.)

Patching procedure:
  • go to the page
  • download the file to your computer
  • go to your forum: Admin > Main > Package Manager > Upload Package
  • click the button to upload the package
  • locate and select the file you downloaded at point 2
  • click the "upload" button
  • follow the instructions on the screen.

For any question you may have, feel free to ask on the support forum.

Of course you are encouraged to update to this release since it contains a lot of fixes and improvements, thank you for your continued support!
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #1

Sorry for being somehow late, but I encountered quite a bit of problems here and there during the release.
Last Travis is gone crazy and was reporting a syntax error in a file that has no apparent syntax errors in any way I looked/tested/run it.

I really hope everything is fine, but to be honest I cannot guarantee 100%...
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #2

The syntax error caution is a bug in the test.  I've opened a github issue.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #3

Patch install on multiple 1.1 instances results in several errors.  The installs each have the 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 patches, if that matters.  

Quote1.   Execute Modification   ./SSI.php   Test successful
Show   2.   Execute Modification   ./sources/BrowserDetector.class.php   Test successful
Show   3.   Execute Modification   ./sources/Load.php   Test successful
Show   4.   Execute Modification   ./sources/SiteCombiner.class.php   Test successful
Show   5.   Execute Modification   ./sources/Subs.php   Test successful
Show   6.   Execute Modification   ./sources/admin/Admin.controller.php   Test successful
Show   7.   Execute Modification   ./sources/admin/ManageAttachments.controller.php   Test successful
Show   8.   Execute Modification   ./sources/admin/ManageFeatures.controller.php   Test successful
Show   9.   Execute Modification   ./sources/admin/ManageLanguages.controller.php   Test successful
Show   10.   Execute Modification   ./sources/admin/ManageRegistration.controller.php   Test successful
Show   11.   Execute Modification   ./sources/admin/ManageSmileys.controller.php   Test successful
Show   12.   Execute Modification   ./sources/admin/ManageThemes.controller.php   Test successful
Show   13.   Execute Modification   ./sources/admin/PackageServers.controller.php   Test successful
Show   14.   Execute Modification   ./sources/admin/Packages.controller.php   Test successful
Show   15.   Execute Modification   ./sources/controllers/Jslocale.controller.php   Test successful
Show   16.   Execute Modification   ./sources/controllers/MessageIndex.controller.php   Test successful
Show   17.   Execute Modification   ./sources/controllers/Notify.controller.php   Test successful
Show   18.   Execute Modification   ./sources/controllers/PersonalMessage.controller.php   Test successful
Show   19.   Execute Modification   ./sources/controllers/ProfileOptions.controller.php   Test successful
Show   20.   Execute Modification   ./sources/controllers/Recent.controller.php   Test successful
Show   21.   Execute Modification   ./sources/controllers/Register.controller.php   Test successful
Show   22.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Attachments.subs.php   Test successful
Show   23.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Cache.class.php   Test successful
Show   24.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/EmailFormat.class.php   Test successful
Show   25.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Exception/ElkException.class.php   Test successful
Show   26.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Html2Md.class.php   Test successful
Show   27.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Ila.integrate.php   Test successful
Show   28.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Likes.subs.php   Test successful
Show   29.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Mail.subs.php   Test successful
Show   30.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Memberlist.subs.php   Test successful
Show   31.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Members.subs.php   Test successful
Show   32.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Mentioning.php   Test successful
Show   33.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/MessageIcons.subs.php   Test successful
Show   34.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/MessageTopicIcons.class.php   Test successful
Show   35.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Notifications.class.php   Test successful
Show   36.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Package.subs.php   Test successful
Show   37.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/PersonalMessage.subs.php   Test successful
Show   38.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Priority.class.php   Test successful
Show   39.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Profile.subs.php   Test successful
Show   40.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/ScheduledTask/Birthdayemails.php   Test successful
Show   41.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/SettingsFormAdapter/File.php   Test successful
Show   42.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/TopicUtil.class.php   Test successful
Show   43.   Execute Modification   ./sources/subs/Unread.class.php   Test successful
Show   44.   Execute Modification   ./subscriptions.php   Test successful
Show   45.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/Admin.template.php   Test successful
Show   46.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/BoardIndex.template.php   Test successful
Show   47.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/Display.template.php   Test successful
Show   48.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/GenericMessages.template.php   Test successful
Show   49.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/ManageFeatures.template.php   Test successful
Show   50.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/MessageIndex.template.php   Test successful
Show   51.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/ProfileInfo.template.php   Test successful
Show   52.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/Register.template.php   Test successful
Show   53.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/Theme.php   Test successful
Show   54.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/css/_besocial/index_besocial.css   Test successful
Show   55.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/css/_light/index_light.css   Test successful
Show   56.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/css/_light/rtl_light.css   Test successful
Show   57.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/css/admin.css   Test successful
Show   58.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/css/icons_svg.css   Test successful
Show   59.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/css/index.css   Test successful
Show   60.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/css/jquery.ui.tabs.css   Test successful
Show   61.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/css/rtl.css   Test successful
   62.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/index.template.php   Test failed
    1.   Replace   ./themes/default/index.template.php   Test failed
    2.   Replace   ./themes/default/index.template.php   Test successful
    3.   Replace   ./themes/default/index.template.php   Test successful
    4.   Replace   ./themes/default/index.template.php   Test successful
Show   63.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/languages/english/Admin.english.php   Test successful
   64.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/languages/english/Errors.english.php   Test failed
    1.   Replace   ./themes/default/languages/english/Errors.english.php   Test successful
    2.   Replace   ./themes/default/languages/english/Errors.english.php   Test failed
*   65.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/languages/english/Help.english.php   Test failed
    1.   Replace   ./themes/default/languages/english/Help.english.php   Test successful
    2.   Replace   ./themes/default/languages/english/Help.english.php   Test failed
    3.   Replace   ./themes/default/languages/english/Help.english.php   Test failed
Show   66.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/languages/english/Login.english.php   Test successful
Show   67.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/languages/english/Profile.english.php   Test successful
Show   68.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/languages/english/index.english.php   Test successful
Show   69.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/scripts/admin.js   Test successful
Show   70.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/scripts/jquery.sceditor.elkarte.js   Test successful
Show   71.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/scripts/like_posts.js   Test successful
Show   72.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/scripts/register.js   Test successful
Show   73.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/scripts/script_elk.js   Test successful
Show   74.   Execute Modification   ./themes/default/scripts/topic.js   Test successful
75.   Extract File   ./bootstrap.php   
76.   Extract File   ./email_imap_cron.php   
77.   Extract File   ./emailpost.php   
78.   Extract File   ./emailtopic.php   
79.   Extract File   ./ssi_examples.php   
80.   Extract File   ./sources/subs/Errors/Errors.php   
81.   Extract File   ./themes/default/css/_besocial/icons_svg_besocial.css   
82.   Extract File   ./sources/subs/PrivacyPolicy.class.php   
83.   Extract File   ./sources/subs/Agreement.class.php   
84.   Extract File   ./sources/ext/serialize.php   
85.   Extract File   ./sources/ext/simple_html_dom.php   
86.   Extract Tree   ./sources/ext/bad-behavior   
87.   Extract Tree   ./sources/subs/CacheMethod   
88.   Extract Tree   ./sources/subs/MentionType   
89.   Extract Tree   ./packages/backups/agreements   
90.   Extract Tree   ./packages/backups/privacypolicies   
91.   Execute Code   code.php   

Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #4

@badmonkey it's a bit difficult to spot the errors in that wall... (especially on the mobile I'm now)
I can see one in index.template.php that can be the version, and one in help.english.php, is there any other I missed?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #5

BTW, today I'm afk, so I'll not be abla to come back until this evening.
Later on, the list of addons installed may help as well. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #6

There is one in index.template (it's nothing more than the version update), the second edit in /themes/default/languages/english/Errors.english.php, and the last two edits in ./themes/default/languages/english/Help.english.php.

Also, privacypolicy.txt was not created on the server.  That may or may not be an issue with the patch.  ??

Spuds::Edited to fix bbc font tag
Last Edit: June 24, 2018, 09:20:10 am by Spuds

Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #7

I got no errors on my install, have previously patched from 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3.

privacypolicy.txt also wasn't created but was ok once I put something in it.
Last Edit: June 24, 2018, 05:07:30 am by tino

Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #8

Quote from: badmonkey – Also, privacypolicy.txt was not created on the server.  That may or may not be an issue with the patch.  ??
I was not entirely sure to add it or not, at the end I didn't.
Maybe it is not the best choise, but anyway it is an empty file...
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #9

Sorry, let's clarify. The empty file was not created either. The file had to be created manually in all three instances. 

1.1.4 is now up and running! Keep up the great work!

Oh - where can users view the privacy policy at will?


Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #10

I want to force all users to accept the new registration agreement the next time they login. Checking this box and saving has no effect, ie...saving unchecks the box.

Screen Shot 2018-06-24 at 10.47.33 AM.png

Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #11

Also If I try to register a new test account I get this:

Screen Shot 2018-06-24 at 10.53.17 AM.png

Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #12

Quote from: b4pjoe – I want to force all users to accept the new registration agreement the next time they login. Checking this box and saving has no effect, ie...saving unchecks the box.

[attach type=image]6003[/attach]

Do you have any text in the privacypolicy section?

Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #13

The file is there but empty.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.4 - Release announcement

Reply #14

I’d guess it needs some content to become active? Otherwise there is nothing to display. Other than that do you have caching enabled?