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[Theme] Clean Started by TaliaJoy · · Read 35266 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #15

Quote from: TaliaJoy – Theme has been updated to version 1.1.0 - check it out! 2 new color variants (red and dark) have been added. Also, there is now a demo.

I really like this theme .. Thanks for your work!

Want to try the dark variant, and for me in the ""Edit theme settings" section there is no variant shown. What can I do to get to the dark variant?

Oh, and I'm on v1.1.6 .. if that matters

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #16

Would love to try that black one as well! :D
I'll see if I can figure it out or have any problems - if so I'll be the second one to cry ;)

Dearly regards
- Darkijah

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #17

Read the help on the download link - nothing to help there either how to change it to the dark variance. Could we get some help :) So many buttons and stuff everywhere and I'm new and kinda confused.

Dearly regards
- Darkijah

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #18

Okay I see other themes have the varients here, but nothing for Clean???...

I don't know...


- Darkijah

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #19

Interesting how most of the other installed themes has an option for varient, but don't have any other option then one. LOL...
Sigh... And the very theme that should have 3 varients in total, does not have one any option shown.

Come on, what is this nonsense. :/

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #20

I confirm, when downloading from elkarte themes website there is no theme variant, but if you download from and overwrite your existing files you'll get the variant switcher.

@Spuds‍ can you please check this? thank you
sorry for my bad english

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #21

It worked! Although seem to have found another bug in the theme with the help popup not having a background. Thanks for the help radu81.

I've tried pretty much every single theme for ElkArte... Really not that many that is anything. I'm having the standard with the 2 variations and Clean with the black installed the rest I've deleted again.

Anyway, something to start with, still testing themes on SMF stabel, and weighing the things - which direction I should go.

Dearly regards
- Darkijah

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #22

With a little more work, like minor things like the arrows up and down to the left is not doing anything when going over them like changing any color or maybe that is on purpose? I think this Theme might be a nice idea to put in the User themes for selection on this forum :) Really a great alternative for a black theme and using it. Overall it would be nice to actually be able to choose different themes on this main page in regards of usuable themes for ElkArta so one can test drive on the fly - but of cause the quality and so forth. But Clean is very clean - would be nice as an option to choose in the user settings.

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #23

Problem on mobile

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #24

To comepare, the default theme.

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #25

Seems there might be a bug on the default theme as well. Look at the hight of the buttons.

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #26

I must say, the Clean dark purple with the ElkArte Be Social menu would be closer to perfection I think. After having tested all the Themes and only having the main and Clean installed as choices. If one could integrate the menu into Clean - that I think would be pretty awesome overall.

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #27

@TaliaJoy Seems you have a little to much space underneath the profile picture :)

I just got it fixed in Social and looks much better. I did see if it could be fixed with the same fix, but all this CSS overwhelms me :P
Would be nice with a fix so we have less empty space that is not used.

In any case when ElkArte social got the fixed, it became much much much better overall, for my eyes :)

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #28

Why is the insert button not visible initially?

Re: [Theme] Clean

Reply #29

There should be a little share icon there, but the icon itself is almost white (#EEEEEE) and requires either a dark background or a different color for the icon.
in icons_svg.css
Code: [Select]
.i-share::before {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' stroke='%23EEEEEE' stroke-width='1px' fill='white' viewBox='0 0 32 32'%3E%3Cpath d='M27 22c-1.4 0-2.7.6-3.6 1.53L9.95 16.8c.04-.27.06-.53.06-.8s0-.53-.02-.8L23.4 8.5c.92.94 2.2 1.52 3.6 1.52 2.76 0 5-2.24 5-5s-2.24-5-5-5-5 2.24-5 5c0 . 12.52C7.67 11.6 6.4 11 5 11c-2.76 0-5 2.24-5 5s2.24 5 5 5c1.4 0 2.7-.58 3.6-1.52l13.46 6.73c-.04.3-.06.57-.06.8 0 2.8 2.24 5 5 5s5-2.2 5-5-2.24-5-5-5z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
See that stroke='%23EEEEEE', change it to stroke='%23000000' and you should see it

OR make sure you have the following css class defined in index.css of clean
Code: [Select]
.container .icon.share {
width: 25px;
padding: .35em .3em .1em .3em;
cursor: pointer;
border-radius: 4px;
along with a
Code: [Select]
.share {
background-color: #008000;
in the variant file.  That will place a green background there so that almost white EEEEEE icon will show.