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Community Economy [Prepared for a private hire if necessary] Started by Lucyka · · Read 3362 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Community Economy [Prepared for a private hire if necessary]

Can we get an Economy/Points sytem [ideally with the option to customize the name of the currency] of some kind going? There are a few other threads on this board but none of them seemed to come to a conclusion...

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

My only requirements for this are that admins be able to award and remove points and that members be able to freely exchange the points they possess with one another. Integration into a sort of automatic shop would be awesome but unnecessary [but may broaden the appeal of the addon.]

If there isn't enough demand to drive a public production of such an addon, I'm willing to hire it done privately for public submission [but I must confess my budget for such a project is low. Not the type of budget software writers typically expect.]

EDIT: if adaptation from SMF is preferred over a custom write, SMF Shop is the most powerful/useful/flexible such tool I have found in SMF

EDIT 2: this is a copy/paste of a thread I accidentally started in the wrong forum. Immediately after submitting this I'll replying to it declaring it a garbage post for deletion [is there an Alert Staff type button anywhere? I don't see one.]

Re: Community Economy [Prepared for a private hire if necessary]

Reply #1

I removed the wrong topic.

@emanuele can you look for the missing report button please?

Re: Community Economy [Prepared for a private hire if necessary]

Reply #2

The report should be the place it has always been: under "more...".

Anyway, next time @Lucyka you can also reply to your own topic asking to move it where it belongs, no worries. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Community Economy [Prepared for a private hire if necessary]

Reply #3

Ah my bad. [But in my defense a mod didn't find it either =P]

On the actual topic though, any thoughts/suggestions/discussion would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Community Economy [Prepared for a private hire if necessary]

Reply #4

So.... can we do this?

Re: Community Economy [Prepared for a private hire if necessary]

Reply #5

Would clever use of the karma system be possible?  Perhaps not, just thinking out of the box for possible ways to accomplish what you want with existing features.

Re: Community Economy [Prepared for a private hire if necessary]

Reply #6

Quote from: badmonkey – Would clever use of the karma system be possible?  Perhaps not, just thinking out of the box for possible ways to accomplish what you want with existing features.
Possibly. Now that you brought Karma up I launched a search of this site and forum and I'm not really pulling anything up on Karma... got any links for me?

So long as it can be transferred freely between members and staff can take it and give it from the system, I could totally make this work.

I imagine it would be simple enough to translate Karma to a different term.

Re: Community Economy [Prepared for a private hire if necessary]

Reply #7

Not finding much documentation on karma.  It can be enabled and configured in the Admin Control Panel.  It's more or less a reputation system.  The rewards and demerits can be renamed.  I'm not proficient with it's use or operation as I've never used it.  Could be worth a look.

Re: Community Economy [Prepared for a private hire if necessary]

Reply #8

One more thing for me to add to the testing pile I suppose. If anyone has any experience messing with Karma [or already has a local demo ready to go that they can start playing with it on] I'd appreciate any feedback.

Honestly I feel adapting the SMF shop would do the most good for the most people, but for my purposes I'm certainly willing to mess with Karma if it'll do the job I need done.