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IRC Started by TestMonkey · · Read 129405 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Reply #105

(12:16:33 AM) Spuds entered the room.
(12:16:47 AM) emanuele: Here it comes tah Spuds! :D
(12:16:48 AM) Norv: Spuds is playing with your js friend
(12:16:53 AM) Norv: LOL! I thought we not haz monitoring bots here!
(12:17:38 AM) emanuele: Sorry!! I have been absorbed by other things and kept that for later... :(
(12:18:04 AM) Spuds: Don't worry ... I left stuff for you ;)
(12:18:20 AM) emanuele: :P

(12:18:59 AM) Spuds: That was a least a two glasses of wine fix ... but I have none so you got the beer fix
(12:20:21 AM) ***emanuele wonders what Spuds is talking about...
(12:21:04 AM) emanuele: I breaking some other things, when I'm done, I'll add some (crappy) documentation to the Error class unless someone else beats me :P )
(12:21:55 AM) Spuds: I mean to fix everything would have taken me two glasses of wine  .... but since I have no wine in the house, only beer, you got the poor boys beer fix for your js function
(12:22:41 AM) Spuds: You know I must say for a guy who came out of the documentation team, well ... lets just say it ... your code documentation sucks ! :D
(12:22:51 AM) emanuele: send me your address I'll try to ship a couple of bottles of barbera :P
(12:22:56 AM) emanuele: LOL
(12:23:52 AM) emanuele: that matches the fact that even if I'm on the dev "team" my code sucks! :D
(12:24:53 AM) Spuds: LOL ... well TBH I can't say your documentation is that bad, simply because there has not been enough of it to evaluate :P
(12:25:10 AM) emanuele: AHAHAH!!
(12:25:21 AM) emanuele: very good point!
(12:27:32 AM) Spuds: The only reason I add in so many (generally worthless) is that my mind is so weak that I can't remember what I typed in 10 lines above :D
(12:30:41 AM) emanuele: And the reason I don't usually write any is that my level of attention is so low that I can't read 5 lines of documentation without skip the reast and go look for an example... :(
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #106

(12:40:00 AM) emanuele: Hey Spuds, want to read something funny?
(12:40:53 AM) Spuds: Always !
(12:43:04 AM) ***emanuele is lost with permissions...
(12:44:22 AM) emanuele: if I'm moving a split topic to another board, what permissions should I check?
(12:44:33 AM) emanuele: move_any would be easy
(12:45:13 AM) emanuele: move_own should I check then the ID of the first split message?
(12:45:27 AM) emanuele: but...does it make sense?
(12:47:22 AM) emanuele: Is move_own actually useful?
(12:49:37 AM) Spuds: after its split someone owns it ... so its move_own || move_any  I would think
(12:55:07 AM) emanuele: yeah...that makes sense. Though I'm not yet sure that have the permission to move only own topics is actually useful...
(12:55:25 AM) emanuele: ...oh well, that's not so important now
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #107

(01:08:19 AM) Spuds: Does anyone know of a collection of email testcases? ... I wanted to do some more testing on the email stuff .......... I found a nice collection of markdown testcases to play with so that help .... well helps enough to know that writting converter kind of stinks
(01:14:39 AM) emanuele: mmm...what kind of emails?
(01:14:52 AM) emanuele: you may take some mailing lists maybe
(01:26:22 AM) Spuds: yeah I guess I can grab some mbox file and use that .... just want to throw some "suff" and the parser and filters
(01:26:28 AM) Spuds: "stuff"

(01:40:05 AM) ***emanuele was debugging why the topic was not moved...
(01:40:15 AM) emanuele: there was no moveTopics call...
(01:41:15 AM) Spuds: Hummm ... that Norv is tough competition to be sure !
(02:03:22 AM) emanuele:
(02:03:26 AM) emanuele: here it is
(02:03:50 AM) emanuele: "unfortunately" this branch uses most of the branches with refactoring I recently pushed...
(02:04:31 AM) emanuele: the commit message is not exactly... clear...
(02:06:59 AM) Spuds: Someone has been busy :D
(02:07:45 AM) emanuele: You may notice there is no documentation at all! :D
(02:08:52 AM) Spuds: Yup ... not a drop ... no comments, no function headers, no params definitions :P
(02:09:09 AM) emanuele: O:-)
(02:10:25 AM) ***emanuele is tired...1 o'clock...
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #108

(03:01:47 PM) emanuele: Norv, if you are around, I think we have our first spammer at elkarte
(03:06:33 PM) Norv: yep, he surely is :D
(03:13:36 PM) ***Norv found a hammer and is using it. O:-)
(03:21:35 PM) emanuele: Thankz! :D

(03:28:25 PM) ***emanuele hates tables!! >:(

(03:31:15 PM) ***Norv thinks that actualy, I shouldn't hurry to bans, emanuele iz the ban-master and might like to use them bans in our little live context.
(03:32:09 PM) ***emanuele is too kind to ban...
(03:32:51 PM) Norv: hahaha emanuele just makes tools for them non-kind ones :D
(03:33:28 PM) emanuele: O:-)
(03:34:26 PM) Norv: ban edit is not merged yet (cuz I got stuck on them logs ouch sorry), but me thought it will be fun to use thy own toolz :D :D :D
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #109

(10:48:51 AM) The topic for #elkarte is: Welcome in #DontPanic
(10:49:11 AM) Norv: Morning!
(10:49:31 AM) Norv: DontPanic? Hah, why this Trekkie101
(01:14:13 PM) TimeVort1x: Norv: I set it on Douglas Adams's birthday.
(01:24:22 PM) Norv: Oh. :) It had to happen. sagenods
(01:32:10 PM) ***Norv would have probably chosen >> If you try and take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have on your hands is a non-working cat.
(01:43:07 PM) TimeVort1x has changed the topic to: If you try and take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have on your hands is a non-working cat.

Spuds [~Spuds] entered the room.
(03:52:42 PM) Spuds: There is a Norv in the room :P
(03:57:16 PM) Spuds: Who took the cat apart?

emanuele [~chatzilla] entered the room.
(04:56:05 PM) ***emanuele feels smell of spammer:;u=49

(04:56:30 PM) emanuele: ohh...Norv is back...
(04:56:35 PM) emanuele: the fun is over... :(
(04:56:37 PM) emanuele: :P

(04:59:43 PM) Spuds: Same as this one;u=48
(05:01:44 PM) emanuele: We are having spammerz! We are becoming famous!
(05:02:24 PM) Spuds: The funny thing is the verification question still say Dialogo :P
(05:02:36 PM) emanuele: LOL
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #110

(10:01:03 PM) Trekkie101: Norvo
(11:40:50 PM) Norv: quite afk, sorry, Trekkie101 - but please, do say. I can come back on it
(11:41:22 PM) Trekkie101: Re: User tagging, wasn't sure if you ever revisited the topic, it kind of ended :P
(11:44:06 PM) Norv: I think there's an issue filed on github. I didn't get to it yet

(08:32:28 PM) emanuele: Spuds and Norv, what do you think? Does make sense?
(09:16:48 PM) Spuds: How do you use that in the config var array?
(09:42:15 PM) emanuele: if you have a setting that is "select"
(09:42:27 PM) emanuele: you can define it "multiple" and allow for multiple selection
(09:42:46 PM) emanuele: I don't have examples at hand...
(09:43:42 PM) emanuele: but in fact you can take any select, copy it (changing the name) and set it to multiple
(09:44:35 PM) emanuele: if the setting doesn't exists in $modSettings (or better if it is not a serialized array in $modSettings) the code will throw an error when unserialize is run
(09:46:43 PM) Spuds: I'll have to try it ... it was the $config_var['multiple'] that had me confused as compated to $config_var[0] == 'multiple'
(09:50:20 PM) emanuele: ahh okay
(09:50:33 PM) emanuele: it's $config_var[0] = 'select'
(09:50:41 PM) emanuele: $config_var['multiple'] = true
(09:54:38 PM) Spuds: gotcha ya ...
(09:54:56 PM) Spuds: well it makes sense to have something like that ....
(10:43:49 PM) Spuds left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).
(01:01:46 AM) Spuds [~Spuds] entered the room.
(01:40:09 AM) emanuele: Thanks spuds, I'll bring it (and the other) to Elk tomorrow
(01:57:35 AM) Spuds: :)

(02:04:55 AM) ***emanuele needs a sort of CMS...
Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 01:00:11 am by TestMonkey
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #111

(08:31:39 PM) emanuele:
(09:22:10 PM) Norv: emanuele: ah well, it's not a public topic. Too bad, it sorta haz an interesting title.
(09:43:35 PM) emanuele: arg...well, it's mostly about that:
(10:35:42 PM) Norv: Ah. That was also proposed on Elk. Well if you feel it's nicer to combine them

(10:37:15 PM) Norv: As for that answer. Meh.

(10:39:05 PM) emanuele: ROFL
(10:40:43 PM) emanuele: Yep, I think I proposed it
(10:40:57 PM) emanuele: yes, yes, now I remember
(10:41:35 PM) emanuele: BTW, it could be interesting consider to put the "new poll" in a dropdown maybe...
(10:41:47 PM) emanuele: I think there are way too many buttons around
(11:19:59 PM) Norv: yup
(11:20:45 PM) Norv: that's the thing, too many buttons is somewhat an overloaded interface
(11:22:44 PM) emanuele: Went back to check how it is handled in phpBB and they use a <select> and a "go" button
(11:23:05 PM) emanuele: I don't like it that much, though the idea of put everything together is not that bad...
(11:23:29 PM) Norv: you mean a visible set of radio buttons?
(11:23:42 PM) emanuele: ooops, I forgot to mention I was looking at "moderation" buttons
(11:23:46 PM) Norv: I don't remember their (ugly :P) interface
(11:24:48 PM) emanuele: no, I mean a <select><option>lock</option><option>delete</option>...</select> <input name="go" />
(11:27:51 PM) emanuele: but that's not what I would like to see either
(11:29:09 PM) emanuele: but...a nice single button with a nice dropdown showing all the other options... O:-)
(11:29:24 PM) emanuele: (sort of "more...")

(11:30:19 PM) emanuele: like what I was playing with a while ago:
(11:30:47 PM) emanuele: hovering the "reply" all the other buttons appear on the left
(11:31:34 PM) emanuele: yes, lots of hovering may result ugly too...
(11:32:31 PM) Norv: wow this thing is very clean
(11:33:25 PM) emanuele: not enough... :P
(11:33:25 PM) Norv: hovering or pushing some "more" sounds understandable, hovering the 'reply' not really :)
(11:33:45 PM) emanuele: lol
(11:33:47 PM) emanuele: yes
(11:34:06 PM) emanuele: I was really playing the "remove each bit that is not absolutely necessary"
(11:34:17 PM) Norv: :D
(11:34:43 PM) emanuele: also the "quote | quick edit | more" are hidden until you hover the message

(11:37:06 PM) Norv: love to see the playing around! Though methinks the extreme won't be user-friendly. Because for example, I imagine there'd be many hide-n-show 'quote'
(11:37:23 PM) Norv: while you hover from up to down the page or the other way around
(11:38:06 PM) ***Norv snickers.
(11:43:28 PM) ***emanuele has not yet changed the timeouts... O:-)
(12:25:57 AM) Norv: :)
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #112

(02:19:39 PM) emanuele: Norv, when you have a minute could you kick some of the spammers?

(05:49:02 PM) Norv: Ban groups would be handy

(05:56:20 PM) Norv:;sort=registered;start=0;desc
(05:57:00 PM) ***TehCraw registers so he can see that.
(05:57:14 PM) Norv: I see in the list, two accounts, InvofMokbeevebdsc and something like it, and they're both banned
(05:58:00 PM) ***Norv thinks this is a bug, but really needz coffee to even express it
(05:58:30 PM) ***TehCraw passes Norv a full mug of coffee to get the morning started off right.
(05:58:40 PM) Norv: you see those two, TehCraw?
(05:58:49 PM) Norv: oh thank you! :D

(07:15:50 PM) ***emanuele feels he broke something with bans...? O:-)
(07:16:28 PM) Norv: emanuele: I think memberlist is now showing the accounts that got banned indirectly (IP address from another ban)
(07:17:53 PM) Norv: afaik Elk shouldn't display any banned user in "normal" memberlist, nor their profiles for non-admins
(07:18:21 PM) emanuele: yep, that should be the expected behaviour...
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #113

(06:25:02 PM) Norv:
(06:27:52 PM) TehCraw: He's been working pretty hard on that for the last few days. IMO, it's a nice idea.
(06:34:13 PM) Norv: Have you checked or tested the branch, TehCraw?
(06:35:23 PM) TehCraw: Not yet. I told him I would though, so it'll have to happen sooner or later.
(06:35:39 PM) TehCraw: Right now I'm trying to finish this dang auto loader class.
(06:38:03 PM) Norv: It is a handy feature (and it's been requested every once in a while), it's just that afaik we haven't got to adding stuff to moderation, and personally I am somewhat wary of continued additions to this code
(06:39:01 PM) Norv: at a quick look, two joins added to loadBoard(), a join added to isAllowedTo() and boardsAllowedTo()
(06:40:21 PM) TehCraw: So you're kinda wondering if the feature is worth the added performance hit?
(06:41:24 PM) Norv: Yes, and what exactly are the results of doing these
(06:43:01 PM) TehCraw: I dunno exactly. I'll have to look at it later. :P
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #114

(12:29:24 AM) emanuele: This evening I discovered that admins can be warned...
(12:29:27 AM) emanuele: isn't it silly?
(12:29:42 AM) TehCraw: That is weird. :|
(12:30:07 AM) TehCraw: You'd think that admins would be immune to that kinda thing.
(12:30:31 AM) emanuele: it's nice, because you see the "muted" next to your name, but you can still post as usual.
(12:30:33 AM) emanuele: lol
(12:31:30 AM) ***emanuele thinks it's a bug
(12:31:37 AM) TehCraw: Happy unicorns in the background give admins special magic powers.
(12:32:04 AM) ***emanuele uses his special powerz to kill all the unicorns
(12:32:36 AM) TehCraw: They're just like really big bugs anyway.
(12:32:51 AM) emanuele: only more annoying...
(12:33:34 AM) TehCraw: Code gremlins, as I believe they're more commonly known.

(12:33:53 AM) TehCraw: How did you manage to discover that anyway? Trying to warn yourself? :P
(12:34:36 AM) emanuele: ...I didn't try that, let me see!
(12:35:00 AM) emanuele: mmm...weird error...
(12:36:49 AM) TehCraw: While you're at it, you should see if you can add yourself to the ignore list. :P
(12:37:12 AM) emanuele: LOL
(12:37:33 AM) emanuele: Apparently if I don't have warnings I cannot access the page
(12:37:51 AM) emanuele: but if I've been warned, I can change my warning level and it's not even logged!
(12:37:53 AM) emanuele: LOL
(12:38:16 AM) emanuele: I hope again my test forum is broken, otherwise I'd call that one a bug too. :P
(12:38:54 AM) TehCraw: :S Strange....
(12:40:32 AM) emanuele: well...not so much :P
(12:40:56 AM) emanuele: it's strange the fact that I didn't code it that way! O:-)
(12:41:25 AM) ***TehCraw tries to add himself to the ban list.
(12:42:52 AM) emanuele: bans should work well...
(12:43:08 AM) emanuele: except I changed the code, so they may be broken, but that's another point :P
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #115

Quote(12:29:24 AM) emanuele: This evening I discovered that admins can be warned...
(12:29:27 AM) emanuele: isn't it silly?
(12:29:42 AM) TehCraw: That is weird. :|
(12:30:07 AM) TehCraw: You'd think that admins would be immune to that kinda thing.
(12:30:31 AM) emanuele: it's nice, because you see the "muted" next to your name, but you can still post as usual.

I warned admins, and I didn't think of it as a bug... But I didn't consider the rest of the behavior tbh, only the warning itself, sent and received. You're right it becomes strange, but what is the right behavior? An admin (I think) should expect to still have the option to "warn" another admin.
How should it go from there? A notice that "hey, you want to mute this guy but he's admin so this won't have any effect"?
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #116

(12:43:49 AM) TehCraw: What are some of the main things you guys are going to change in Elkarte?
(12:44:37 AM) emanuele: That's a question for Norv I think
(12:44:58 AM) ***emanuele is not good with technical (informatics-related) explanations
(12:45:47 AM) TehCraw: That's okay.
(12:46:43 AM) ***TehCraw goes back to his autoloader class.
(12:47:39 AM) Norv: TehCraw:
(12:53:20 AM) TehCraw: Very nice.
(12:53:29 AM) ***TehCraw approves of roadmap

(12:54:19 AM) TehCraw: Any plans to make smcFunc PDO powered? ;)
(12:55:24 AM) TimeVortex: $smcFunc must die a quick death.
(12:55:41 AM) TimeVortex: Pretty please with sugar on top
(12:56:06 AM) TimeVortex: $smcFunc['db_query'] ? Please, let's make it $db->query
(12:56:08 AM) ***emanuele prefers cream & chocolate
(12:57:42 AM) TehCraw: Now you're talking.

(12:57:45 AM) emanuele: that shouldn't be that difficult, though it still handles some strings too
(12:58:10 AM) TehCraw: However it would be a major pain in the butt to remove every instance of $smcFunc across the entire system.
(12:58:30 AM) emanuele: sed?
(12:59:08 AM) TehCraw: what is this "sed" you speak of?
(12:59:28 AM) Norv: TehCraw: yes, that'd be good to do. Personally I don't think PDO makes a lot of difference atm, but it's an improvement. PRs are gratefully accepted. :)
(01:00:03 AM) emanuele:
(01:00:26 AM) emanuele: or perl if you want...or even php. :P
(01:00:35 AM) Norv: Any smartie find/replace would do. But are you sure you'd remove backwards compatible accessibility?
(01:01:07 AM) TimeVortex: Hey, if Elkarte 1.0 does it the $db->query way...
(01:01:12 AM) ***emanuele doesn't like backward compatibility. :P
(01:01:33 AM) emanuele: neither against neither in favour TBH. ;)
(01:01:36 AM) TimeVortex: You're already refactoring loads of functions.
(01:03:16 AM) Norv: True. My point is that mods/addons will also need to update, vs you can fill the same expected array too, only forward to the method.
(01:04:30 AM) ***TehCraw thinks all mods should be object oriented libraries forced to follow interface classes.
(01:04:58 AM) Norv: Or the other way around. Add db classes, initialize stuff, and forward to the old implementation... Well.

(01:08:10 AM) Norv: Ok. The question is to get from here to there.
(01:09:45 AM) Norv: Everyone wantz database classes with no backwards compatibility?
(01:10:02 AM) ***emanuele looks at all his branches and cries... :'(
(01:10:10 AM) Norv: :D
(01:12:16 AM) ***Norv will have to point out to emanuele that I'm too busy, caught up with things, to (probably) get to it very soon. And also, I've done this in some other project/branch/heck-knows-where, but I can't reuse it, so I'm a little weary to do it again... Heh.
(01:14:52 AM) TehCraw: mysql_*() is going deprecated soon anyway IIRC

(01:15:33 AM) ***emanuele did the theme things for fun and he is still suffering
(01:22:53 AM) emanuele: and anyway we should keep something for 2.0... :P
(01:24:18 AM) emanuele: on one hand it would probably be nice to stay consistent at least on some basic thing even across major version
(01:24:39 AM) emanuele: on the other...dunno
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.



Reply #117

(06:27:48 PM) The topic for #elkarte is: If you try and take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have on your hands is a non-working cat.

(08:20:59 PM) TehCraw: "The server at can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed."
(08:29:33 PM) TehCraw: Am I spelling that dang thing wrong or something?! I can't even get in through a proxy.
(08:34:27 PM) Norv: No, it's spelled right. In Chrome, I'd check and deselect "Use DNS pre-fetching to improve page load performance."
(08:35:31 PM) Norv: This has to be related to something in your configuration on DNS lookup
(08:38:12 PM) Norv: Does it happen only with Chrome though?
(08:39:26 PM) Norv:!topic/chrome/B4k68v6IHxs
(08:48:16 PM) TehCraw: It happens in Midori as well, and I did uncheck that setting already. :/
(08:49:24 PM) TehCraw: Good topic. I'll try that.
(08:53:28 PM) TehCraw: Hey, that worked! Thanks for the link.

(08:52:10 PM) Norv: Nice work on PureChat! :)
(08:53:59 PM) TehCraw: And thank you. :) I'm not too proud of the code anymore though
(08:56:15 PM) Norv: You can always refactor code you don't see fit. Just, remember KISS and YAGNI. :D
(08:56:50 PM) TehCraw: True true.
(08:57:36 PM) TehCraw: Needs quite a bit of refactoring.

(09:50:37 PM) Norv: what do you think of the moderator groups, Spuds?
(09:52:22 PM) Spuds: I'm a little leary about those querys ... have not benchmarked them or anything but on the surface thats quite a bit of extra overhead ...
(09:52:36 PM) Spuds: the joins are on primary etc but still ...
(09:53:03 PM) Spuds: just not sure how much thats needed vs potential overhead for everyone
(10:01:34 PM) Norv: I don't know. If I remember correctly, IPB has moderator groups and there are a few fans of them around SMF.
(10:10:42 PM) Spuds: Not sure what other forums have it or not ... and I do like concept of what it provides ...  really just need to see the db impact on load and security but need the right test case as well :P
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #118

(10:18:27 PM) Spuds:  I should update the site again ... been a couple of weeks .... any of the pending commits ready to be merged?
(10:24:16 PM) Norv: ?
(10:25:30 PM) Norv: I'd take also the createList() improvements, although tbh I didn't actually check carefully
(10:26:32 PM) Norv: but that is Ema's pet, and I'm thinking we can try it out anytime - now or after we mess something up. :)
(10:27:11 PM) Norv: I'm soooo behind with commits. :'(
(10:29:04 PM) Spuds: Any issues with Call pass?
(10:31:32 PM) Norv: no
(10:34:09 PM) Norv: all boards2 does the right thing (tm). Mind if we take it for live?
(10:34:57 PM) Spuds: We should ...

(10:36:37 PM) Norv: Oh btw. SpudsMan. I intended to branch off the site. (i.e. make a separate repo actually). I think that we will/should work on other pages, we also have those scripts for admin, etc. So it makes sense to start the site repo: with a remote to the main Elk repo, or with a submodule for the main Elk repo
(10:39:03 PM) Spuds: makes sense ... I have not done much with those site js files, just some tweaks to current and detailed ....
(10:39:45 PM) Spuds: the rest of them were generally smf site specific in how they gathered the info etc ....
(10:41:11 PM) Norv: Also, something that may help, is to make a board or a block, on site, with git commits feed
(10:41:49 PM) Norv: (we don't want dat in the core software repo :) )
(10:43:01 PM) Spuds: You mean an admin block like news but with git commits?
(10:43:47 PM) Norv: yes. Or as a side block, like them portals blocks.
(10:43:59 PM) Norv: Sounds bad?
(10:44:49 PM) Spuds: No sounds good :)
(10:46:07 PM) Spuds: first I need to get some other trivial commits off my system ... and maybe stop playing around with PBE !
(10:54:41 PM) Norv: :'(
(10:55:00 PM) Spuds: why the frown?
(10:58:55 PM) Norv: cuz you said you not plays with PBE
(11:00:55 PM) Spuds: more from a point that I think I can stop playing around with it since I think I have more of the bugs removed now :)
(11:01:27 PM) Spuds: my first PR had some major doh's in it
(11:05:59 PM) Spuds: but I still need to add a line wrap function to the html2Md class
(11:07:30 PM) Norv: Ah cool

(11:07:35 PM) Norv:
(11:08:20 PM) Norv: If we don't make changes to the core elk, on site, then this way to include the core repo (as a module) should be fine
(11:10:35 PM) Norv: If we do change elk on site for the site need itself (testing and playing around don't count for this methinks - unless you want them public), then probably another option would be better. I thought to propose the first and simplest imo.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #119

(03/22/2013 12:03:48 AM) Spuds: O:-)
(12:23:55 AM) Norv: thank you!
(12:24:13 AM) ***Norv has trolled Spuds for good measure too.

(01:21:20 AM) Norv: snickers

(01:30:49 AM) Norv: oops

(01:40:17 AM) Norv: Spuds: do we have package xml namespace on
(01:40:39 AM) Norv: actually I could check... /lazy
(01:51:03 AM) Spuds: @norv ... I don't think I added that no

(03:13:36 AM) ichbin: sup people!!!
(03:14:30 AM) Norv: Oy, an ichbin! /hides.

(03:20:08 AM) ichbin: For the record, I just read the $smcFunc to db=>query() discussion. I would say push that out to the next version if it were up to me.
(03:21:26 AM) TehCraw: :D I like your attitude.
(03:27:32 AM) Norv: well I haz been lazy, err-busy lately, but don't tell anyone, specially when SpudsMan is here.
(03:30:08 AM) ichbin: That's good. It means you haven't done it yet then. :)

(03:30:09 AM) TehCraw: BTW, thanks for the PRs today, Norv.
(03:37:08 AM) Norv: Oh, I like doing that :D

(04:41:02 AM) Norv: this is correct, right? I think it is, with the constants changes. /methinks we need addons
(04:42:04 AM) Trekkie101: Norv, is languages not under themes?
(04:42:13 AM) Trekkie101: scratch that, its there
(04:44:03 AM) Norv: yes (funny I actually wanted to change that, but I've bypassed it.)
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.