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IRC Started by TestMonkey · · Read 141493 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Reply #300

(05:41:25 PM) emanuele: So, I was thinking...
(05:41:29 PM) emanuele: (and that's bad)
(05:42:25 PM) emanuele: most of the cases there is an error (for example with Tokens) Elk shows a nice "back" button with a js attached that moves the browser back of one page in the history
(05:43:02 PM) emanuele: now, with tokens that's completely useless and even counterproductive
(05:43:13 PM) Norv: Yes
(05:43:20 PM) emanuele: what could we do instead?
(05:43:52 PM) Norv: Nice button 'Re-try', which reloads the page?
(05:44:51 PM) Norv: It'd be the simplest thing
(05:44:52 PM) emanuele: Serving again the same page with the new values ready for a "save" seems a bit tricky (it may lead to situations where you are directed to the local forum from an external page and tricked to click the save and apply the new settings without thinking)
(05:45:04 PM) Norv: Hmm.
(05:45:27 PM) Norv: We have such cases (admin login)
(05:45:43 PM) emanuele: mmm...nope (at least not anymore)
(05:45:59 PM) emanuele: if the POSTed page comes from a different domain is stopped
(05:46:03 PM) Norv: No? I thought it saved after logging in
(05:46:04 PM) emanuele: by checkSession
(05:46:08 PM) Norv: Of course, of course
(05:46:37 PM) Norv: I meant, such cases where you save after admin was required to login, values ready in session
(05:47:16 PM) emanuele: I tried the adminLogin once, but after the issue with checkSession last year I removed the code because I was not entirely sure it was the proper way to go
(05:48:31 PM) Norv: Why don't we load the page, as it is, with values, and add an error box?
(05:48:49 PM) Norv: Instead of this page for error message alone with a 'back' button.
(05:49:11 PM) Norv: (just brainstorming; coffee coming up)
(05:49:14 PM) emanuele: with the current values stored in the database?
(05:49:31 PM) Norv: With the values the user was trying to save
(05:50:50 PM) Norv: I mean, why do we make an error page at all?
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #301

(05:58:23 PM) Norv: argh personal messages and profile
(05:58:37 PM) ***Norv is trying to disentangle bits of code.
(05:58:52 PM) Norv: And they entangle my brainz instead. :P
(06:13:57 PM) Norv: > Sorry, we can't let you access this section. We can't even tell you if it exists. You're welcome to visit the main page and choose your way from there.
(06:13:57 PM) Norv: :D
(06:16:09 PM) emanuele: lol
(06:16:19 PM) emanuele: yes, the profile is a bit...complex lol
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #302

(08:44:03 PM) emanuele: Merge doesn't work... xD
(08:55:21 PM) Norv: Just tested on local, it worked for me
(08:55:35 PM) Norv: what error
(08:57:31 PM) emanuele: it was on the site
(08:57:41 PM) emanuele: I merged via ID
(09:01:26 PM) emanuele: The board you specified doesn't exist
(09:02:40 PM) emanuele: mmm...someone may have fixed it in the meantime
(09:08:23 PM) emanuele: arg...regular members are missing from the board configuration page for me
(09:16:45 PM) emanuele: AHA!
(09:16:51 PM) emanuele: I can replicate it!
(09:17:03 PM) emanuele: global mod and more than one board

(09:18:28 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #559: Misc refactoring (master...unittest)

(09:41:24 PM) Norv: yes I can replicate that.

(11:38:51 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] emanuele45 opened pull request #560: Fix for topics merging (master...merge_fix)

(12:13:37 AM) emanuele: Norv I can't reproduce the registration issue...
(12:24:35 AM) emanuele: unless...
(01:40:42 AM) Norv: "Works" for two registration questions. Seems to affect also sending a PM under default settings...
(01:42:58 AM) Norv: You're too fast for me...
(01:45:53 AM) emanuele: I think I found something
(01:46:23 AM) emanuele: it seems to be an issue with the session...
(01:46:38 AM) emanuele: or the "cache"...
(01:46:57 AM) emanuele: or a wrong >= that should be <=
(01:47:49 AM) emanuele:
(02:13:34 AM) Norv: Fun typos!
(02:15:24 AM) Norv: You know, this class should be a good target for unit tests
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #303

(05:04:22 AM) groundup:

(12:09:08 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 8 new commits to master:
(12:09:08 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 32de438 Antechinus: ! Updates to Display.template.php, mainly aimed at improving the menu / list structures...
(12:09:08 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 342b092 Antechinus: ! Add class names for each level of menu...
(12:09:08 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 8ea562b Antechinus: ! Add in new class levels for list drops.  Remove extra divs...
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #304

(06:01:44 PM) ***emanuele adds some hooks to the postmoderation functions (approvePosts and approveTopics)

(07:19:00 PM) Norv: emanuele: do we take topic merging then?
(07:20:56 PM) Norv: approveTopics runs away from you. :P
(07:30:40 PM) emanuele: Did you already push the array_intersect thing?
(07:30:49 PM) emanuele: Darn...then I wait :P
(07:31:47 PM) emanuele: I saw a PR and merged it, but I didn't check exactly what was in there... O:-)
(07:40:20 PM) Norv: No, no array_intersect. It's somewhere in a branch...
(07:40:30 PM) Norv: Or you push first lol

(07:41:21 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 7 new commits to master:
(07:41:21 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 8a81ad3 emanuele: Fix for topics merging...
(07:41:21 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master d6af08c emanuele: Sneaking in the fix for guests and regular members not appearing in the edit board page...
(07:41:21 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master e78f2e8 emanuele: Does this fix the issue with verification questions?...

(07:41:56 PM) Norv: Btw, . Thoughts?
(07:46:45 PM) emanuele: > (not for Demo/CVS versions!)
(07:46:48 PM) emanuele: lol
(07:46:59 PM) ***emanuele thinks that code hasn't changed for a while
(07:47:01 PM) emanuele: O:-)
(07:48:22 PM) emanuele: From the data I have in my head it seems that is more likely such kind of error is due to mod/addons/custom coding rather than an old database
(07:49:58 PM) Norv: yep
(07:50:30 PM) Norv: Shocked me too. I thought I knew this one :'( :-/
(07:51:36 PM) Norv: Anyway it's a bit disputable to have the db version (you'd rely on) in the db. In particular since upgrades rely on $forum_version and stuff. :\
(07:52:03 PM) Norv: (but it's correct too cuz it doesn't change any patch)
(07:53:05 PM) Norv: Anyway it's probably better if repair_settings or _settings scripts, would give that info too: hey the db version says this.
(08:01:39 PM) Norv: The real problem that this message would help with, is if you failed your previous upgrade, and you failed in such way that the version got set, but something else of the script (or patch) wasn't done. I can't think of relevant cases you wouldn't know about already, in which this would be true...
(08:02:40 PM) Norv: No wait, I mean the version wasn't set. Ah well. Patches where you didn't execute the script, but made manual changes.
(08:03:29 PM) emanuele: Then just give the information without giving suggestions:
(08:03:40 PM) emanuele: the database version is: 1.0
(08:17:36 PM) Norv: Done

(08:19:00 PM) Norv: I can merge that PR in, it's just that it has a number of (usually not big) refactorings with a slight potential to be of interest (and/or hiding some bug)
(08:19:31 PM) ***Norv is trying to convince meself to make -real- unit tests for some of them.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #305

09:25:57 PM) Norv: emanuele: it doesn't matter much on the refactoring PR, if it's in now or later, in a sense. (just I'd like to know if there are issues with it.) If there aren't, and it bothers you being in 'limbo', we can just merge it or just let it for much later.
(09:46:31 PM) emanuele: Norv which PR?
(09:47:10 PM) emanuele: I'm fine with merging it! :D
(09:47:39 PM) emanuele: (even though I don't know which one is it lol)
(09:54:03 PM) Norv: lol 2700+ additions, 2400+ deletions, says github, but most are because of some wrapping into classes, and basic query->moved stuff.
(09:54:45 PM) emanuele: Ohhh....that's one of those "break everything apart" thing! :D
(09:54:49 PM) ***emanuele likes
(09:56:43 PM) elk_core [~elk_core] entered the room.
(09:56:43 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 14 new commits to master:
(09:56:43 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 2cc5e33 Norv: Update dispatcher actions for several action, sa....
(09:56:43 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 9b412a3 Norv: Update and fix dispatching for groups controller. Standardize its overall design (basic)....
(09:56:43 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 5465fad Norv: Add a couple unit tests for dispatching. (wip, in parallel with a review and fixes of...
(09:56:43 PM) elk_core left the room.
(09:57:11 PM) Norv: it's on the mild side! :D
(09:57:26 PM) Norv: ok, so now you haz approveTopics() in subs, not in controller
(09:59:22 PM) ***emanuele goes kill his repo
(09:59:57 PM) Norv: lol
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #306

(10:36:39 PM) Norv: Btw Ema, didn't you work on user tags somewhere? Sorry, I'm afraid that branch of yours slipped my mind. Should perhaps try to take in those too, and while it's not a hurry, I tend to think it's better earlier than later
(10:38:48 PM) emanuele: ohh...that one...I didn't touch it in a while, I suppose is quite outdated...but I read Spuds was working on something cool about tagging (a la github IIRC) so I didn't consider it a priority for that reason too
(10:39:37 PM) ***emanuele thinks the pagination of error log is broken
(10:39:58 PM) Norv: ah ok
(10:40:32 PM) emanuele:
(10:40:59 PM) emanuele: >  I had those put in place for a super fancy @notify member pulldown in the editor (like in github), unfortunately I completely lost all that code in some repo snafu
(10:42:59 PM) Dragooon: Ohhhh @notify stuff!
(10:49:18 PM) Norv: because it makes a scroll?
(10:49:59 PM) Norv: notify is the cool, we'd like it for the public release
(10:52:14 PM) emanuele: What scroll Norv?
(10:52:26 PM) Norv: in the error log page
(10:53:16 PM) emanuele: nope, if you filter the results the number of pages is always the same
(10:55:14 PM) Norv: it makes a horizontal scrolling bar down the page, when URLs are too long (I suspect). Dunno, it doesn't look fine to me
(10:55:17 PM) Norv: ohh, right
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #307

Ah. I know a fix for long url's. You can force them to break with a bit of CSS. :) Put it up as an issue on GitHub and blame me if it doesn't get fixed. :P
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P


Reply #308

Quote from: Antechinus – Ah. I know a fix for long url's. You can force them to break with a bit of CSS. :) Put it up as an issue on GitHub and blame me if it doesn't get fixed. :P  O:-)
We'll look at pagination.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #309

(10:25:09 AM) groundup: I really wanted to like Symfony and Silex. I tried ZF and now I am working with Symfony/Silex. In the end they make everything so f*ing complicated. PHP is mostly a framework in itself
(11:04:03 AM) ***Norv thinks it's a good time for me to say 'told you so' but I won't do that. :D
(11:05:50 AM) Norv: PHP userland has thought it's cool to imitate Java and JavaBeans and stuff. Results: inappropriate for PHP language, over-bloated, and, if you ask me, boring.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #310

(11:18:52 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #566: Small additions for testing (master...unittest)
(11:29:23 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master fc4996f Norv: Added a test for poll creation. Fixed the default values in createPoll function because...
(11:29:23 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master cc73809 Norv: Add tests for poll subs functions....
(11:29:23 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master b1c4634 Norv: Disable testing by default (we're using db). Add documentation....

(11:27:13 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #568: Picks (master...picks)
(11:27:43 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 0f4b3e9 Michael Eshom: The 'disregarded' column wasn't set for existing entries, causing a DB error in some cases...
(11:27:43 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 03c823d Michael Eshom: In some cases, validation was done multiple times for the same token...

(11:30:42 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 6 new commits to master:
(11:30:43 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 309a8a6 emanuele: Fixed disregard due to a wrong query...
(11:30:43 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 6a48e68 emanuele: Slight re-work of the _api method and small change to is_not_guest to better handle these methods (at least I hope)...
(11:30:43 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master a01e306 emanuele: Now is AJAX and not SJAX + fixed some (several) errors...

(11:41:20 AM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv opened pull request #569: Display controller. (master...display)
(11:42:26 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master a635abd Norv: Bit of standarization, add action_index() to Display controller....
(11:42:26 AM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 4d29a16 Norv: Merge pull request #569 from norv/display...
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #311

(04:53:38 PM) emanuele: Anyone around that knows very well the permission system?
(04:54:54 PM) emanuele: I have in front of me a forum where all the post-based groups are set inherited from a normal membergroup
(04:55:31 PM) emanuele: now I wonder: is it normal that members that fall into the post-based group do not inherit any permission from the normal group?
(05:04:27 PM) Trekkie101: Does the post count group not change them from the normal?
(05:04:29 PM) Dragooon: Burn the permission system!
(05:05:52 PM) ***emanuele likes how that guy (Dragooon) thinks
(05:06:02 PM) Dragooon: Thank you! :P
(05:06:11 PM) emanuele: :P
(05:08:28 PM) emanuele: Trekkie101 dunno... well, testing a bit it seems that postcount-based groups do not inherit permissions from normal groups.

(05:38:21 PM) elk_core: [Elkarte] norv pushed 15 new commits to master:
(05:38:21 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master 9dd00ae Norv: Security policy: reject magic_quotes configuration if enabled. Cleanup QueryString.php of magic quotes....
(05:38:21 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master c485bee Norv: Move utility functions _recursive() to Util class. They aren't currently used, but potentially useful......
(05:38:21 PM) elk_core: Elkarte/master cf9adf6 Norv: htmlspecialchars() HTTP_USER_AGENT. (from Util.) This removes db entirely from QueryString.php.....

(06:14:02 PM) TimeVortex: postcount-based groups only have a subset of permissions anyway
(06:14:21 PM) TimeVortex: As they are intended to be used alongside regular groups
(06:14:38 PM) TimeVortex: I think they can't deny permissions either
(06:15:36 PM) ***emanuele is always confused by permissions... lol
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.



Reply #312

(10:30:56 PM) Norv: emanuele: that's a really nice experiment!
(10:31:17 PM) Norv: Good to see lol. That this is what the monster does :P
(10:31:28 PM) emanuele: lol
(10:31:49 PM) emanuele: it's just about 800 lines of code...not so much for a function! :P
(10:32:25 PM) emanuele: Is somehow the direction that we should take?
(10:32:32 PM) Norv: action_post is about 900 lol
(10:32:42 PM) ***emanuele is scared by action_post
(10:32:46 PM) Norv: none compares to the upgrade script, I give ya that :D
(10:33:00 PM) emanuele: really, I have no idea where to start split out things... lol
(10:33:31 PM) Norv: I think so. There isn't really much else to do with display... It does indeed what you show, gathers things from everywhere lol
(10:34:18 PM) emanuele: There is just to find a solution for $attachments
(10:34:25 PM) ***emanuele whistles innocently
(10:34:27 PM) emanuele: :P
(10:34:38 PM) Norv: Eventually, I'd try moving the conditions (enabled/disabled, checks) up. For readability, and to not allow entry in the method if they're not fulfilled
(10:35:01 PM) Norv: oh, that global to 'prepare'?
(10:35:07 PM) emanuele: yep
(10:35:16 PM) emanuele: I was a bit unsure about where put checks
(10:35:30 PM) Norv: Clearly. I don't remember the details of it, but that needs a solution.
(10:35:44 PM) emanuele: there is time. ;)
(10:36:28 PM) Norv: Btw, something "similar" is how List can be split, I mean I can build things one by one
(10:36:57 PM) ***emanuele haz weird ideas about list...
(10:37:00 PM) Norv: (well it's not similar but you see what I mean). I wasn't very happy about it, but that's what it does...
(10:39:38 PM) Norv: For example , we enter prepareEvent() only to exit cuz ain't nothing for us.
(10:44:29 PM) Norv: Implement them lol.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #313

(10:44:47 PM) ***Norv stares at the code and is surprised mod center works.
(10:44:56 PM) emanuele: ROFL

(10:49:43 PM) ***emanuele clicks "enable repository next"
(10:53:14 PM) Norv: Btw,

(10:55:19 PM) Norv: Myeah... when you make a PR now, you have to see the comparison first. Which kills browsers. :P
(10:55:38 PM) emanuele: NO!!!!
(10:56:10 PM) Norv: Feedback to them ugly github!
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #314

Quote from: TestMonkey – (10:44:47 PM) ***Norv stares at the code and is surprised mod center works.
I second Ema's ROFL.

 Antechinus has been feeling a bit like this with the markup and css......
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P