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Why all the recent language restructuring? Started by forumsearch0r · · Read 27889 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #15

Quote from: TE – Don't know that, you could have read the "transifex for translations" topic for example... Keep in mind: Jorin offered their help but you decided to start the translation without contacting me or him....

TBH, I'd probably rework all existing translations anyway. I like a higher-class wording some time. :) - The advantage of git translations is that I can make string changes in the code itself while allowing you to see how they relate to my translations.

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #16

I love git and I would love to find an "easy" way to use it for translations... actually, now that each language has its own directory, it may be possible to use sub-modules to achieve that.

Okay, bit of explanation: sub-modules are just "repositories inside another repository".
Let me try to use an example.
This is the current ElkArte repository:
Code: [Select]
   |- sources
   |- themes
         |- default
               |- css
               |- scripts
               |- languages
                     |- english
   |- Packages
One big repository where everything is tracked at once.

With sub-modules, it would be:
Code: [Select]
repo 1:
   |- sources
   |- themes
         |- default
               |- css
               |- scripts
               |- languages
                     |- link-to-Elk-english
   |- Packages

repo 2:
   |- all the language files
So, two different repositories where the English dir in the "main" elkarte repo is just a "link" to another repo (actually is a bit more complex than this, but let's summarize it like that).
From a development point of view the difference would be that we'd have to deal with two separated repositories, so adding a new language string would mean: a commit to the elk-repo where the string is used, and a commit to the elk-english repo where the string is stored.

That's a possibility.
If you are curious I can set up a demo repo to see how it could work.
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Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #17

Wouldn't it be possible to just set the /languages folder as an external repository?

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #18

Did I say english? Okay, well, you know... O:-)
Yep, languages. lol
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Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #19

Nah, the whole languages directory.

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #20

ok, uploaded @forumsearch0r s translation to transifex.
due to the recent changes there are still some untranslated strings..

Definitely a reason to finally "freeze" language changes for 1.0 ..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #21

It's about time for that. Every time I submit an update, it's already deprecated.

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #22

QuoteLooks like you followed a bad link.

OK, I'll continue on git...

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #23

Why all lang files - Polish, Italian etc. have *.english.php at the end?

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #24

German lang files don't.

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #25

Quote from: phantom – Why all lang files - Polish, Italian etc. have *.english.php at the end?
If I got it right, it's a limitation of transifex: the files are generated with the same name, though it's possible to download the with their client in the proper format (see TE's topic).
Once the a translation is "ready" it can be downloaded and distributed[1].
Not sure how at the moment... TBH I would avoid to regenerate each and every lang package for each minor release (or even only have to upload them at github), maybe we should find another way... worth a topic.
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Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #26

Quote from: phantom – Why all lang files - Polish, Italian etc. have *.english.php at the end?
It's due to the original name..
You can use the transifex client (as @emanuele45 mentioned) for download.. Then you'll get a prober folder structure + the correct names..

I'll setup the server with the transifex client, soon.. then we'll have a nightly build of our languages files, just a little bit patience please..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #27

Quote from: TE – I'll setup the server with the transifex client, soon.. then we'll have a nightly build of our languages files, just a little bit patience please..
Ohhh that's cool! :D
Bugs creator.
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Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #28

Downloaded this client for Windows, but it seems that I need to type something in cmd... It's not for me. I'm going to wait for server ::)

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #29

Here we are:
Thorsten "TE" Eurich