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'@mentions' Grouping Started by Lou · · Read 4253 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

'@mentions' Grouping

I milled about and did not see this posted elsewhere, so apologies if this has already be hashed and rehashed.  :)

Any thoughts about creating a mod or feature where the user can from his profile panel create a '@mention group' that will house several member names.

An example would be if I wanted to bring something to the attention of Emanuele, Joshua and Spuds ( notice tackful alphabetising ) I would create a group and call it the 'Three Amigos' or 'Big Kahunas' or what ever. Then when I wanted to bring something to the attention of all three I would enter '@Big Kahunas' and it would reference all three at once.

This would be handy on sites where site owners have groups that perform different functions for the site or for sites that have members that work on something that is specific about the content. An example would be '@bowties' if I wanted to bring to the attention something to other users about a posted content.

Re: '@mentions' Grouping

Reply #1

A while ago Spuds proposed something similar based on member groups, there were some concerns.
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Group Mentions Feature/Addon Revisited

Reply #2

I know this discussion about enabling Mentions for user groups died out a year or two ago, but I still feel it is something worth keeping on the to-do list. It would help immensely for my forum, at least.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Group Mentions Feature/Addon Revisited

Reply #3

I honestly don't remember the discussion, but I at least know what you are requesting :D

Re: '@mentions' Grouping

Reply #4

Merged the two topics so we can read the whole discussion! (Unless there is yet another that I missed :P)
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Re: '@mentions' Grouping

Reply #5

And there is this discussion @moderator(s) or @admin(s) that is very related, just a bit more focused.
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