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[ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix Started by emanuele · · Read 220039 times 0 Members and 3 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #90

Thanks, this seems to work, I've switched back to PHP 8.1.
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #91

Awesome.  I noticed another issue when you edit the prefix style.  The existing colors are not loaded correctly, I'll post a fix for that in a bit.

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #92

Here is a version to test. 

attempted to find all the php8 level issues and fix them (there were several)
fixed the issue where editing a prefix style would loose the color values
attempted to add the prefix to the Recent Message listing and the New Topic listing
some misc stuff
labeled it as version 0.0.6

Give it a test, on a backup site of course !

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #93

Quote from: Spuds – ...  Give it a test, on a backup site of course !

It's hard to believe anyone running a server should need that reminder... but yea, since the FAA shut down fights across the whole east coast for two days back in early January (by some "contractor" the story goes), patching the production "NOTAM" (Notice To Airmen) server that supplies critical system and airspace flight safety information to pilots and airlines directly..   :anguished:

[hey, who likes updating Cobol anyway?  :tongue: ]

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #94

I just installed the add-on and seems to work for now, but I did not tested all the functions from ACP.
And yes, I installed it on my live forum :embarrassed: . I do have daily backups and I hope to never use them.
Thanks Spuds for keeping this add-on updated!
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #95

Quote from: Spuds – attempted to add the prefix to the Recent Message listing and the New Topic listing
I noticed that now! wow, thank you! :cool: 
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #96

Quote from: radu81 – ..
And yes, I installed it on my live forum :embarrassed: . I do have daily backups and I hope to never use them.

You sound like a couple of C++ programmers I know - I've made a special note to never give them fissionable material, because they too know no fear..

(In the FAA's case, they were supposedly trying to "sync the production server back up with the back up server" {take note}, when they crashed the production server.  I strongly suspect the whole thing stemmed from an effort to incorporate a bunch of "woke" changes that were scheduled to be implemented around that same time (renaming "Notice To Airmen" to "Notice to Air Mission", "cockpit" to "flight deck" etc.  Crashing the system is a small price to pay, I assume, to assure nobody might be offended by legacy terms and etymologies they don't understand or can tolerate). 

But you have given Spuds a warm-fuzzy, showing you trust his craftsmanship more than he does..:wink:
Last Edit: March 20, 2023, 01:56:23 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #97

To be honest, until a few months ago I always had a copy of my forum as test, and I used to test everything there and not on my live site, but this is a messy period for me [1] and I don't have much time to dedicate. I had to free some space on my VPS and I deleted the tests environments. 
I work 4 days/week and the other 3 days I work in my future house which is in renovation. I really have limited time to dedicate on other activities, just to give an example, last time I turned on the TV was probably for Christmas. When I work at my house I often finish at 8 pm, sometimes even later at 10pm. I also asked the next week as "vacation" but I'm not sure they will accept my request. anyway I hope to finish this year...
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #98

Long long ago, my grandfather had a sign in the back of his store that said:
Code: [Select]
"How come we never have time to do the task right, but we can find the time to do it over?" 

I think the technical term is "proceeding at risk:.. :fingers_crossed::fingers_crossed:
Last Edit: March 20, 2023, 10:42:04 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: [ADDON][beta] Topic Prefix

Reply #99
