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IRC Started by TestMonkey · · Read 141501 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Reply #90

Quote from: TestMonkey – (01:12:48 AM) TimeVortex: Norv: heh, looks like my </a>'s were replaced with [/url]'s

Ohwait, now I see it.

test [/url] yup
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #91

(05:25:46 AM) Norv: Spuds: markdown and markdown.class are two versions of the same library
(05:27:16 AM) Norv: I'm not sure why: it looks like you may have upgraded in the meantime, and actually use one of them, right?
(05:52:26 AM) Spuds: who knows what I did there :P ... markdown.php should be deleted and markdown.class renamed to markdown (its the 1.0.1p version, the latest from github)
(05:53:56 AM) Norv: okay :D
(05:56:37 AM) Spuds: I think at one point I was renaming to our .class.php things, but then backed away from that with the ext files ... and what you see is the result !
(05:56:45 AM) Spuds: I'll make a quick PR to fix that
(05:59:31 AM) Norv: No need, I did it
(05:59:51 AM) Norv: it didn't help github love our repo again...
(06:04:33 AM) Spuds: cool ... I'm going to do some testing on that p version since I must have been on the o version and did not even know it DOH!
(06:05:34 AM) Norv: haha

(09:51:15 PM) Norv: I talked to github folks to fix the main page of the repo. They acted in a matter of minutes.
(09:52:16 PM) emanuele: cool!
(09:52:22 PM) emanuele: so it was broken?
(09:52:45 PM) emanuele: We broke even github!! Not only code!!
(09:52:55 PM) emanuele: YAY!
(09:57:44 PM) Norv: Yes, yes, we did. Twas on their side. :D
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #92

(09:56:34 PM) emanuele: Norv? Question if you are around:
(09:56:48 PM) emanuele: Why?
(09:57:04 PM) emanuele: Since the query is then LIMIT 1?

(04:12:42 PM) emanuele: Hey Norv, what do you think of the "updateAnything"? lol
(04:12:49 PM) emanuele: I was so bored yesterday... LOL
(04:14:01 PM) emanuele:
(04:18:08 PM) Norv: I like it! It looks like you feel the db related code should turn towards a more forum specific layer
(04:19:15 PM) emanuele: not sure what you are talking about... lol
(04:21:08 PM) Norv: you make a part of a database abstraction layer there
(04:21:27 PM) emanuele: Really? Cool! :D
(04:24:56 PM) Norv: If you continue, we might want to move updateTable() in /database files
(04:56:39 PM) emanuele: well...while writing it I was thinking that it's place was there...
(06:29:39 PM) emanuele: pushed something more on the branch :P

(04:50:33 PM) ***Norv mumbles something unintelligible about warning settings
(05:13:04 PM) emanuele: warning settings?...
(05:13:06 PM) emanuele: not sure
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #93

(06:33:44 PM) Norv: wow mergetopics is still a mess. I can't see signs that I (thought I) cleaned some bit :|
(06:37:05 PM) Spuds: lots of functions like that ... ya clean em, only to uncover the next level of dirt :P

(07:23:13 PM) Norv: action_stats() ... this thing queries everything and their gran'pa
(07:24:54 PM) Spuds: I still need to add something to that too !
(07:25:29 PM) Norv: I could make a Stats subs... to avoid including every file on earth, when moving/refactoring queries. Though I'm not sure how many exactly would be... hmm.
(07:25:35 PM) Spuds: no joke ... i really do !
(07:25:38 PM) Norv: lol
(07:25:55 PM) Spuds: moar stats bwahhhh ha ha
(07:30:45 PM) Spuds: a subs might be nice for adds ... they could grab  just some stat info if they wanted, not sure if thats needed though, seems like some of that information could be useful on its own, but my eyes are bleeding from just glancing at it
(07:32:46 PM) Norv: ah... right... might help with ssi functions, perhaps? (I didn't check, but it seems a similar idea in some way)
(07:36:26 PM) Norv: of course, it will mean some (perhaps even all) will be duplicate database-work functions... The only reason would be to not include everything. TBH it might be an insufficient reason, but I'm starting it off atm

(07:38:15 PM) emanuele: Hey Spuds!
(07:45:12 PM) Norv: It's not Spuds. Don't trust every name on the interwebz.
(07:50:44 PM) emanuele: ohh...A SPY!! :P
(07:51:02 PM) Spuds: Thats me .... :P
(07:52:09 PM) Spuds: of course I have to run now .... but be back later in da day ... or evening depending on your global view of things
(07:52:55 PM) Spuds left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #94

(08:12:36 PM) emanuele: Hey Norv, what do you think about remove the limitation of viewquery available only to admins?
(08:13:34 PM) Norv: I wouldn't do that - it might show data you don't want everyone to see; including custom stuff on site etc
(08:14:08 PM) emanuele: fact is, it's annoying... :P
(08:14:18 PM) Norv: Why would members/guests need to see it?
(08:14:55 PM) Norv: why annoying? Hah
(08:15:27 PM) emanuele: queries for admin and members are different and while developing (since that is a development/debug feature) is from time to time helpful to see the queries from a "normal user" point of view
(08:15:40 PM) emanuele: ...yeah I know I can simply hack it since I'm already working... :P
(08:16:36 PM) emanuele: anyway it doesn't reveal much more than already shown...
(08:16:59 PM) emanuele: the only difference is the line the query is executed and the query itself...
(08:21:33 PM) Norv: ah right, right. ...You haz other stuff you do during debug. How about. An addon which does this 'debug mode' edits and undoes them for ya. Or, an extra setting (undocumented :P), debug mode, which only works for localhost.

(08:31:00 PM) Norv: we logout users everywhere...
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #95

(09:47:44 PM) ***emanuele goes fix the updateAnything branch since it doesn't even show the board index... lol
(09:55:07 PM) Norv: haha
(09:58:29 PM) emanuele: $members = is_array($members) ? $members : is_array($members);
(09:58:35 PM) emanuele: ROFL
(09:59:26 PM) emanuele: Power of copy&paste! :P
(10:01:24 PM) Norv: It doesn't count. It was before PR.
(10:01:39 PM) emanuele: In fact, apart from that small error, it's working pretty well I think... :P
(10:01:43 PM) emanuele: what?
(10:06:28 PM) Norv: It doesn't count for the award, sorry.
(10:06:46 PM) emanuele: :(
(10:07:02 PM) emanuele: so I should stop testing... :P
(10:07:18 PM) Norv: Ohwait, maybe it counts :P
(10:07:53 PM) emanuele: you are scared by my code eh? :P
(10:09:22 PM) Norv: O:-)

(09:59:40 PM) ***Norv tries to remember where and why I started this little batch of refactorings...

(10:10:51 PM) emanuele:
(10:25:03 PM) Norv: Sounds like a bug over there (this behavior of the panel is not really friendly... cleaner interface maybe, but I'd rather have them buttons 'remove' 'add' 'insert here' stuff)
(10:26:42 PM) emanuele: Today I did a commit that should be ported to Elk (quick moderation in topics (badly) broken), if I forget feel free to cherry-pick it! ;D
(10:27:11 PM) emanuele: and also another one regarding strings
(10:31:12 PM) Norv: ok

(12:39:07 AM) ***Norv laughs at the very technically sound and to the point presentation of a PR: "Take that too, and if you don't like, close it."
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #96

(12:39:07 AM) ***Norv laughs at the very technically sound and to the point presentation of a PR: "Take that too, and if you don't like, close it."
(12:47:29 AM) ***Spuds runs to look
(12:49:17 AM) emanuele: lol, there are already the commits that explain (sort of) what the branch is about. :P
(12:50:50 AM) Norv: ;D
(12:51:05 AM) Norv: Don't worry, we forgive you. :P
(12:51:54 AM) emanuele: I know, I write such nice code that you cannot not forgive me. :P
(12:52:13 AM) emanuele: (at least you have something to laugh about :P )
(12:52:43 AM) Spuds: only because he's Italian and we don't want him to cause a ruckus ... like clap everytime one of his PR's is merged :P

(12:59:23 AM) Norv: tbh emanuele, I don't know if it's a good idea to create an attachments dir at forum directory level...
(01:00:40 AM) emanuele: Since we are being honest ( :P ), I never liked my mod... lol
(01:02:02 AM) emanuele: the idea (I think) was: since attachments in in BOARDDIR, then it's "normal" to create a 2nd directory at the same level
(01:02:36 AM) emanuele: (that is something I'm pretty sure most of the admins do: attachments2 and alike)
(01:04:12 AM) emanuele: of course in a certain way in my mod this was a "last resort" if nothing else was specified (i.e. not a full path, neither a "base" directory)
(01:05:04 AM) Norv: I think that is pretty much what I have in mind: perhaps possible, but not the most used and proeminent option
(01:09:06 AM) Norv: thinking it may end up cluttered; it may be unwritable more easily; also when things go wrong, people (and tools alike) may or may not safeguard extra directories from /forum. I find it more likely you'll remember when you store attachments in a completely different place. But I might be wrong.

(03:20:20 AM) Spuds: The Errors.class really needs to be documented
(03:22:22 AM) Spuds: even the params in the docblocks are not whats in the function calls
(03:32:21 AM) Spuds: assuming there are docblocks at all that is
(03:37:39 AM) Spuds: opened an issue on this
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.



Reply #97

 emanuele is innocent, the branch has been merged way too early!

 emanuele runs :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Reply #98

Quote from: emanuele –
 emanuele is innocent, the branch has been merged way too early!

 emanuele runs :P

 Norv haz no clue who merged it "too early".  O:-)

If it's merged, it means that either: 1) it wasn't early, or, 2) it wasn't me. /settled.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #99

Hey, who are you?
Where did you hide TestMonkey? ???
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Reply #100

Sure the kitten may look all kinds of cute, but I think it chased feature cat from the room !


Reply #101

(11:13:15 PM) emanuele: Split is broken!! :D
(11:13:25 PM) emanuele: "select posts"
(11:30:46 PM) Spuds: Yes you and Norv are taking the competition serioulsy
(11:33:11 PM) emanuele: Indeed
(11:33:32 PM) emanuele: debugging it right now, there is something wrong in the query I think
(11:40:15 PM) emanuele: for ($counter = 0; $row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request); $counter ++)
(11:40:24 PM) emanuele: should be that one :P
(11:40:54 PM) emanuele:
(11:42:20 PM) Spuds: Thats still an unusaul way to loop on the results .... compared to how its done everywhere else
(11:43:21 PM) Spuds: so feel free to update that if you want :D
(11:44:21 PM) Spuds: and you can remove modSettings from the global
(11:45:23 PM) Spuds: and this  !empty($excluded_messages) ? $excluded_messages : array(), is unneccesay since its in the function params already
(11:47:41 PM) emanuele: yep, I was thinking the same
(11:51:26 PM) emanuele: AND id_msg NOT IN ({array_int:no_split_msgs})
(11:51:28 PM) emanuele: AND m.id_msg IN ({array_int:split_msgs})
(11:51:33 PM) emanuele: aha!
(03/06/2013 12:05:12 AM) Spuds: yeah that may make a difference
(12:05:18 AM) Spuds: :D

(01:00:51 AM) emanuele: Fix sent...not very nice, though it seems to work
(01:03:54 AM) Spuds: What don't you like about it?
(01:05:15 AM) emanuele: dunno, the arrays?
(01:05:40 AM) emanuele: are also a bit boring...
(01:05:51 AM) emanuele: though I didn't want to add another param as well...
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #102

Quote from: emanuele – Hey, who are you?
Where did you hide TestMonkey? ???

Quote from: Spuds – Sure the kitten may look all kinds of cute, but I think it chased feature cat from the room !


Over-testing Gravatars PEBKAC!
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #103

(07:42:10 PM) emanuele: Norv, have you considered 1 directory == 1 language?
(07:44:54 PM) Norv: for language files in installation?
(07:46:06 PM) Norv: I don't remember thinking of it, tbh. Would it help? Many forums would have a +1 deeper structure, with English alone or with 2 languages I guess.
(08:10:15 PM) Norv: but I see no problem

(09:20:44 PM) Norv: looks like we didn't fix that disregard bug... which I don't remember well :P
(09:22:13 PM) emanuele: which one? The move topics?
(09:27:11 PM) Norv:  all unread > mark selected as read
(09:27:18 PM) Norv:;area=logs;sa=errorlog;desc=
(09:27:29 PM) emanuele: ohh...I also know another bug... :P
(09:29:29 PM) Norv: I thought it's the same... no time atm though
(09:38:30 PM) emanuele: yeah, it may be
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.


Reply #104

(11:32:46 PM) emanuele: Norv, I was looking at moveTopics
(11:33:18 PM) emanuele: any reason why all the things related to update user statistics are still in the controller and not in moveTopics itself?
(11:34:40 PM) ***Norv haz no clue. Because we didn't get to them?
(11:35:04 PM) emanuele: dunno...don't even remember if moveTopics exists in SMF or
(11:39:59 PM) emanuele: darn, I working on the split-and-move-to-another-board (and post a message to inform) and every two steps I have to stop and do some refactoring! :P
(11:42:12 PM) emanuele: (and after that I hope to be able to push the "follow-up here" and stop for now)
(11:42:44 PM) emanuele: TBH I thought the two were related, but I don't remember why I thought so... lol
(11:44:13 PM) Norv: ROFL!

(11:45:37 PM) emanuele: BTW, do you think the two fit Elk 1.0? (or Elk at all)
(11:47:23 PM) Norv: split-and-move sure; follow-up here is the link to a split-off, right?
(11:47:50 PM) Norv: they are related
(11:48:05 PM) emanuele: not really...
(11:49:00 PM) Norv: lol
(11:49:28 PM) emanuele: would be the link to a side conversation originated from a post in a certain discussion: the (diligent) user instead of derails a discussion decides to start a new one quoting (or not) a post and starting a new topic
(11:50:25 PM) emanuele: it's a bit more complex and has more to do with user experience than with moderation
(11:53:48 PM) Norv: fair enough. To me, I think it's conceptually the flexibility of posts and "loosen" their strict dependency on topic and board
(11:54:25 PM) emanuele: Okay, I'll do (since I like them anyway :P ), then you will see how they work and decide. ;)
(11:59:27 PM) Norv: as you want. I think it is appropriate to loosen this dependency (and looking forward to somewhat more, loosen the dependency between boards and visibility is even teh cool O:-))
(03/07/2013 12:01:01 AM) emanuele: don't lead me into things I don't want to enter...heck I need to! :P
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.