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Why all the recent language restructuring? Started by forumsearch0r · · Read 27791 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #30

Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #31

I love how you use the term of "building" for packing php files. :D

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #32

Quote from: forumsearch0r2 – I love how you use the term of "building" for packing php files. :D
yeah, it's not a true build, just a simple
Code: [Select]
tx pull
+ zip based on a cron Job.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #33

So where should I commit future translations?

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #34

I'd personally favour transifex..  I've uploaded your translations to the German (Germany) language section, the related nighlty created ZIP is
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #35

The Transifex link above didn't work.

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #37

"Es scheint, dass Sie einem fehlerhaften Link gefolgt sind."

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #38 - Oben im Menü "Explore", dann ElkArte als Suchbegriff..funktioniert das?
 hab es an diversen Rechnern ohne Probleme aufrufen können. Sitzt du hinter einem Proxy, der das möglicherweise filtert? (z.B. TOR)
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #39

Eigentlich nicht.

Hm, über diesen Umweg kann ich es aufrufen. Und wie arbeite ich damit? Dann würd' ich dort fortsetzen (und hoffe, ihr habt die aktuellste Version schon übernommen).

(n.b.: vom 3. bis 9. nur bedingt online - Urlaub)

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #40

Looks like the word censor has gone nuts  :P

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #41

Quote from: forumsearch0r – Und wie arbeite ich damit? Dann würd' ich dort fortsetzen (und hoffe, ihr habt die aktuellste Version schon übernommen).
please check this one, it's a small german "guide" for using transifex (the web gui):,13.msg22.html#msg22
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #42

git is easier.  :-\
Guess I'll stay with it.

Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #43

Uhh what?  "tx push" and "git push" is allmost the same, just the params are different..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich


Re: Why all the recent language restructuring?

Reply #44

But I can't access the code in tx!