I'll try to explain them and hope that it makes sense enough for you to be able to translate.
$helptxt['badbehavior_postcount_wl'] = 'This allows you to bypass bad behavior checks for users over a certain post count.<br />-1 will bypass all registered users, including those with no posts<br />0 will disable bypassing and scan everyone regardless of post count<br />Any number greater than zero sets the post count under which users will be checked.';
This allows you fine tune what connections are checked by Bad Behavior.
-1 = Never perform BB checks if they are registered members. (maybe OK on a closed board, admin approved registration)
0 = Everyone gets scanned, trust no one
X = Everyone below X post count gets scanned. (So after someone has made enough posts, you can trust they are not a spammer)
$helptxt['badbehavior_url_wl'] = 'URLs are matched from the first / after the server name up to, but not including, the ? (if any). The URL to be whitelisted is a URL on YOUR site. A partial URL match is permitted, so URL whitelist entries should be as specific as possible, but no more specific than necessary.<br />For instance, /example would match /example.php and /example/address';
Thats a lot of words to kind of say its a wildcard value. The area that it will match against is anything after the server name up to the ? get request. So for example ://www.something.com/forum/downhere/subscriptions.php?sendmemoney its matching the underlined area against what you enter.
entering /forum/downhere/subscriptions.php is very specific, it is a single file
entering just /downhere would white-list the entire downhere area, so if there were several files in that area that you want BB to whitelist, entering that is a lot easier than adding an entry for every single file in the downhere area.