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[1.0.0] Error by splitting topics Started by Ruth · · Read 4621 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

If I split a topic  there is  just the new topic-subject in the board to see - without any posts in the topic. It's empty.

Those errors are in the log:

Art des Fehlers: Undefiniert
8: Undefined index: time;c=1;sa=collapse;ce4ceda=299e620c6514c3baab4b185b6b1057be
Datei: /var/www/XXX/html/ea/themes/default/GenericBoards.template.php (boardindex_outer_below sub template - eval?)
Zeile: 311

Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #1

How do you split the topic? (There are three possibilities and several options.)

Also, the error you are reporting seems related to the collapsing of categories, not the splitting of topics. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #2

I tried two of them, not that one with the moderator-button, but the other ones.

The new topics look like this in the boards...the time in the quote is not shown proper.

And the topic is empty.

Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #3

If I remember well, I had always  errors on line 311 ::)

But splitting topics was always working before...

Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #4

Quote from: Ruth – I tried two of them, not that one with the moderator-button, but the other ones.
No, I meant if you split: a single message, starting from a message or picking the messages. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #5

It is very difficult to understand and explain for me in English, emanuele, I am so sorry... O:-)

1. I splitted a single message, using the checkbox in this post.

2. I splitted a single message, using the "follow up/quote" under the button "more" in this post.

Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #6

Jorin told me now to add $txt['time'] = 'Zeit'; in the index.german.php

It might getting better, because there is no "time" in the english language, just  "time_am" and "time_pm"

It helped a little...there are now no more errors in the log if I split topics

But the splitted messages still do not really exist as a new topic. :(

Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #7

I tried the three and the resulting topics are always fine, but I found a bug that I thought I fixed a long while ago: the "pick the messages" returns an unable to load main template... :-\

 emanuele adds to the list for 1.0.1

Quote from: Ruth – It is very difficult to understand and explain for me in English, emanuele, I am so sorry... O:-)
Don't worry, the best way is to list exactly all the "clicks" done, for example:
opened the topic
clicked checkbox of the reply #1
* clicked "split selected [1]"
* clicked the button "split"
and if there are doubts more details can be asked.
If you have the name of the buttons in German you can use that as well, in the worst case someone (like me) may post a screenshot asking which one it is. ;)

Okay, in the meantime, try going to: admin > maintenance > forum maintenance > routine
and run the "Find and repair any errors" and the "Recount all forum totals and statistics" tasks (the second and the third).
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #8

Quotetry going to: admin > maintenance > forum maintenance > routine
and run the "Find and repair any errors" and the "Recount all forum totals and statistics" tasks (the second and the third).

I did this, emanuele...there were no errors.

Then I started a new topic and splited a single message from this is still the same mistake as before.

But no more errors in the log.

Edit: I deleted the category and the board and created new ones, but it is just the same as before.

Forum was new installed today, we delated the old version. And the host had always been up-to-date, it is PHP
Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 03:27:49 pm by Ruth


Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #9

Now I tried it this way, to splt a topic - I never had done it before in Elkarte. ;)

And there is this error-message :o

Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #10

Quote from: Ruth – Now I tried it this way, to splt a topic - I never had done it before in Elkarte. ;)

And there is this error-message :o
Yes, I know, I wrote about it few messages above.

Let's forget about that for a while now.

Can you please repeat exactly what you were doing when you first reported the error?
Think I'm a little dumb (like I am in reality) and I know nothing at all about ElkArte and describe each single step you do, don't worry to write too much, it's better one step more rather than one less.
I'm asking because I have the feeling we are talking about two different things.
If you can, then, try the same procedure here.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #11

Quote from: emanuele –
Yes, I know, I wrote about it few messages above.

Sorry, I didn't realized this...

I am not sure wich one I have tried first, emanuele; I made them all again.

The result is always the same, the new topic is there, but with no posts in it.

1. Here I splitted Post 3 and Post 4 by using the split-button under "more..."

Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #12

2. Here I used the follow up to create a new topic with a quote.
I splitted a single message, "3. Beitrag"
Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 08:06:08 pm by Ruth

Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #13

3. Here I am using the checkbox and the moderator-button

It shows an error, but anyway - the topic is splitted.
I splitted a single message, "3. Beitrag"
Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 08:06:34 pm by Ruth

Re: [1.0.0] Error by splitting topics

Reply #14

The error depends on modifications Ruth made on her theme. I changed in her test board back to the default theme and all posts are there. So no problem with ElkArte.  :-X