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JUST installed Elkarte but... Started by Keiro · · Read 4355 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

JUST installed Elkarte but...


So, I just installed Elkarte on my company's forums. Unfortunately... after installation, it seems to be very... messed up.

Got a repair_settings.php file handy? I'd like to use that to fix this. If not, you guys really should get one made. By the by, the forums that this is messed up on:

I'm not sure why a brand-new install would be coming up with a very... messed up theme.

Sidenote, server specs:

OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Web servers: nginx 1.6.2 and apache2 2.4.7, set up with nginx as front-end for Apache2.
SQL server: mysql 5.5.41-0ubuntu
Code: [Select]
PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.6 (cli) (built: Feb 13 2015 19:17:11)
Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies
    with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.7.5, Copyright (c) 2002-2014, by ionCube Ltd., and
    with Zend OPcache v7.0.3, Copyright (c) 1999-2014, by Zend Technologies

I'll come back with specific versions of the respective software used on this server. But, basically, this is running atop of VestaCP

Sidenote: Your activation e-mail showed up in my Google Apps e-mail spam box. May want to get that checked out.


Re: JUST installed Elkarte but...

Reply #1

You will find the repair settings tool here:

There was another report of the the theme url being set to instead of the site url, that is an issue we are still tracking down and that appears to be the issue on your site as well.
Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 06:07:49 pm by Spuds

Re: JUST installed Elkarte but...

Reply #2

Quote from: Spuds – You will find the repair settings tool here:

There was another report of the the theme url being set to instead of the site url, that is an issue we are still tracking down and  that appears to be what the issue on your site as well.

Yup, thanks for the fix... and yeah, I realized this was the issue. Also... I derped and managed to fix this without needing the repair_settings.php ... just gotta log in, hit up Theme Settings and have it try to reset all themes, which did the trick for us.

But, keeping that handy. If I can help you guys track it down, I'd be happy.

Sidenote again: Checking my spambox for replies to this thread is going to get annoying... real fast.

Hey, here's an idea: Why don't I give you guys access to the server to try and reproduce what exactly happens to get for the themes and stuff?

Re: JUST installed Elkarte but...

Reply #3

Errors or warnings of any type during the install?

Maybe you can try a quick install on another dir and another db, and see if you get the same error.
Have access to the specific machine it would great!
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: JUST installed Elkarte but...

Reply #4

Quote from: emanuele – Errors or warnings of any type during the install?

Maybe you can try a quick install on another dir and another db, and see if you get the same error.
Have access to the specific machine it would great!

Sure, let me set up an account for you guys to mess with. I'll message you with the details.

Edit: No errors during install. It went perfectly, actually, which is why this caught me off-guard when I finished setting it up.

Re: JUST installed Elkarte but...

Reply #5

Thanks, received!
I'll not have time neither tomorrow nor the day after to try it out (darn release and real life to deal with :P), I'll hope to be able on Friday. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: JUST installed Elkarte but...

Reply #6

Debugged and found the issue and the solution:
Code: [Select]
	opcache_invalidate(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Settings.php');

So, with "newish" versions of PHP (5.5+ I think) there is the OPcache thingy. Settings.php is written and require'ed just after that, but when is included to start populating the database, php grabs the stock version and not the recently written.
I tried also clearstatcache, but apparently this doesn't make any difference[1], only calling opcache_invalidate is able to fix the issue.

Can we sneak it into 1.0.3 (even though I already prepared the O:-)

ETA: and thanks Keiro for providing the access to the server that allowed me to find the issue! :D
And that may explain some weird behaviours I've seen with the cache.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: JUST installed Elkarte but...

Reply #7

Quote from: emanuele – Debugged and found the issue and the solution:
Code: [Select]
	opcache_invalidate(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Settings.php');

So, with "newish" versions of PHP (5.5+ I think) there is the OPcache thingy. Settings.php is written and require'ed just after that, but when is included to start populating the database, php grabs the stock version and not the recently written.
I tried also clearstatcache, but apparently this doesn't make any difference[1], only calling opcache_invalidate is able to fix the issue.

Can we sneak it into 1.0.3 (even though I already prepared the O:-)

ETA: and thanks Keiro for providing the access to the server that allowed me to find the issue! :D

No problem! Glad to be able to provide access to the server and let you trouble-shoot and find issues.

Sidenote: I'll let you retain access to the server in question so you can continue testing and troubleshooting as needed. I had the feeling you'd need access to the server itself to find out exactly why it was doing the things it was doing, hence the details provided. I suspect this is a server configuration that's not always used but, hey... at least it helps take care of strange bugs!
And that may explain some weird behaviours I've seen with the cache.

Re: JUST installed Elkarte but...

Reply #8

Awesome find !!

I felt it had something to do with settings.php but forgot about the zend stuff in 5.5, even though I run that *face palm*.   That cache updates itself based on opcache.revalidate_freq setting, so it only checks if the file changed every so often, clearstatcache etc will have no effect.  Thats a different behavior than APC or Xcache, at least as a default.

@Keiro thanks so much for providing access so this could be debugged !

Re: JUST installed Elkarte but...

Reply #9

Quote from: Spuds – Awesome find !!

I felt it had something to do with settings.php but forgot about the zend stuff in 5.5, even though I run that *face palm*.   That cache updates itself based on opcache.revalidate_freq setting, so it only checks if the file changed every so often, clearstatcache etc will have no effect.  Thats a different behavior than APC or Xcache, at least as a default.

@Keiro thanks so much for providing access so this could be debugged !

No problem. You guys'll continue retaining access to the development section of our server. As I mentioned, this is great for everyone as it lets you guys test and make changes and see what falls out.

If you guys need a full-on VPS though, I'd be happy to spin that up too, for you guys.