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New Concept Started by live627 · · Read 5040 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

New Concept

Obviously not a gallery plugin. Not enough hints. :D :P

Re: New Concept

Reply #1

Awesome ;)

Re: New Concept

Reply #2

SOme nerdy details:

Requires PHP 5.5 as I use of the new syntax introduced in that version, most especially generators (the yield keyword)
Requires Elkarte 1.1, even though it only uses the newly introduced data validator.
Uses HttpFoundation to capture requests - I ditched Http_Req only recently because I decided backporting could be a thing in the future
Uses Composer to autoload files and manage dependencies, something I suggest Elkarte do ASAP

Re: New Concept

Reply #3

Quote from: live627 – Uses Composer to autoload files and manage dependencies, something I suggest Elkarte do ASAP
Why did you suggest ElkArte to use composer ASAP? Won't it be difficult for general user who don't have ssh access to their server?

Re: New Concept

Reply #4

Quote from: ahrasis –
Quote from: live627 – Uses Composer to autoload files and manage dependencies, something I suggest Elkarte do ASAP
Why did you suggest ElkArte to use composer ASAP? Won't it be difficult for general user who don't have ssh access to their server?

yeah... this made me remember flarum and why i still don't want to try it even when i do have access to a vps. too much hassle for me.

but if the usage is still the same and/or shared hosting friendly then it's no problem. note that i don't really understand about php development.
192.MY.ID: Forum ISP Indonesia.

Re: New Concept

Reply #5

I would love to use composer, but not the "flarum-way".
What I would reach in... a couple of versions is: a "development repository" that relies on composer and a "distributed package" that is ready-to-use.
Composer would be run when the release package is "built", that way the process is basically transparent to the user, but the development can take advantage of having composer available (i.e. better ability to deal with dependencies).

The only difference would be a slightly higher barrier for development, but in that context, it should be much easier to have composer available (and anyway, at the end of the day, composer is just a phar archive so you don't even need to "install" it :)).

Well, that's not really about the gallery addon. :P
Bugs creator.
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Re: New Concept

Reply #6

Quote from: ahrasis –
Quote from: live627 – Uses Composer to autoload files and manage dependencies, something I suggest Elkarte do ASAP
Why did you suggest ElkArte to use composer ASAP? Won't it be difficult for general user who don't have ssh access to their server?
SSH? Why? No... I'd imagine the build script would be modified to run Composer so that the package you get requires nothing new. Exactly what @emanuele suggests.

(I was unaware of Flarum's problem.)

QuoteThe only difference would be a slightly higher barrier for development
Considering the sheer popularity of Composer, this won't be an issue. ;D
LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte

Re: New Concept

Reply #7

I can't really understand it much though I use it to create and install Malay translation extension for Flarum. I have to see it in action before commenting further.

Re: New Concept

Reply #8

I feel like I've been procrastinating on this too long... yay for burnout.

I really would like to find out what you guys think a good price would be and what features you'd expect at, say $40 and $80, both imaginary price points.
LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte


Re: New Concept

Reply #9

The price is up to you, imo.
If can be useful I bought a XF gallery for 40$ (10$/year renew) and has a lot of features and importers, Probably is not a good comparision since xf is used by more persons and it's a paid software. People using paid software are more predisposed to pay for addons compared to users which are using free software. Arantor made a nice smf gallery from what I've seen in the demo and the features list, but I don't think he sold that much.

For the gallery I prefer something simple for the end-user, I had in the past Aeva Media but most of my users found it difficult to use.
Imo you can start the gallery with basic features (like albums, categories, upload photos, permissions ) and then extend it with other features if requested.
sorry for my bad english

Re: New Concept

Reply #10

Quote from: radu81 – For the gallery I prefer something simple for the end-user, I had in the past Aeva Media but most of my users found it difficult to use.
What on my forum found particularly difficult (and actually not only the members, but myself) to grasp was the permissions part.
Also the nesting of albums was never widely used, I used it once or twice and just one level (sort of category > albums).
Also, I would suggest something kind of integrated with the forum if at all possible (and if you "need" something from the core for that, feel free to ask or make it happen) in the sense that it would be pretty useful if images (and comments if you plan to have them) were able to show up in the recent/unread lists (I'm pretty sure it's a pain, but I'm just throwing ideas at you :P) or things like that. O:-)
ETA: the reason for this suggestion of mine is that people tend to forget about what is not pushed in front of them. But of course is just an idea, perhaps not even possible to implement in the current state of things.
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Re: New Concept

Reply #11

How useful is album ownership?I know that there are some people that use it...

QuoteETA: the reason for this suggestion of mine is that people tend to forget about what is not pushed in front of them.
Such as yourself :P

Oh it's possible alright, using the hook integrate_action_unread_before and a template layer. Not ideal and is quite fragile.

QuoteThe price is up to you, imo.
Indeed. I asked to try to put out feelers on what people expect.

QuoteI had in the past Aeva Media but most of my users found it difficult to use.
Oh yes, classic example of too big for its britches.

Less is truly  more.
LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte

Re: New Concept

Reply #12

Quote from: live627 –
QuoteETA: the reason for this suggestion of mine is that people tend to forget about what is not pushed in front of them.
Such as yourself :P
Bugs creator.
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Re: New Concept

Reply #14

Bugs creator.
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