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Installing LAMP on Ubuntu Started by meetdilip · · Read 6668 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

I have kind of switched to Ubuntu completely. So just wondering if there is something called " LAMP ", just like WAMP and how to install it in Ubuntu 12.04. Any help will be highly appreciated.

Re: Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

Reply #2


you can download the latest version of XAMMP from the Download Page and then install it like in the install doku:

It is very easy and you have the latest version  ;) 
-- M4rkus

Re: Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

Reply #3

Quote from: M4rkus – Hi,

you can download the latest version of XAMMP from the Download Page and then install it like in the install doku:

It is very easy and you have the latest version  ;)

Hi, Sorry for the late reply. Do I need to start and stop XAMPP using terminal ? No way to have a GUI like WAMP which I use without going to terminal ?

Re: Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

Reply #4

There is a GUI too, I don't remember the name of the file, but should be the only exe file in the directory.
I also don't remember if it creates automatically a shortcut on install or if you have to create it by yourself, but most likely it's the second.
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Re: Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

Reply #5

Thanks. My attempts to install LAMP and XAAMP were successful. But all I get is " Yes, it works " for http://locahost/

I even didn't had permission to write in www directory for LAMP. Had to use some commands. One of the reason I didn't use Linux till Ubuntu is doing everything through terminal. I am not travelling a decade back.

Re: Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

Reply #6

Well, those are "server" software, not "desktop", there isn't much to do to just start/stop it and on servers there isn't much need of a GUI (of course unless you are using windows).
IIRC installing apache/mysql on ubuntu it asks you if you want to start it at start-up, that way you should be able to have it ready always.
BTW, it's not that to start apache and mysql you have to do tons of stuff, what I did was to create a simple script that runs the two commands automatically (with sudo already included), then you can just make it executable and "double click" on the icon (you may then need to enter the admin password).

TBH, if you don't want to use the cli at all it may be easier for you to "come back" to windows, because in my experience, even if just once in a while, the command line is useful (disclaimer: I'm a linux noob using it since ~2010)

That said, "yes, it works" it's anything you'd get from xampp "at the beginning", it just means the pool of softwares are all installed and working, then you have to "do what you want" with it (i.e. install ElkArte or other things, or just write html pages).
From now on it's up to you, the installer part is done. ;)
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Re: Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

Reply #7

I was using Windows as I had to use my phone as modem since there is an internet outage in our area. So since the speed is slow I was mainly on WAMP. Pity we can't do the same what WAMP does on LAMP. I like GIMP more than Photoshop. Just that PS has more resources. I was expecting something similar.

Re: Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

Reply #8

There are plenty of options to run Linux in a VM on Windows.

Re: Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

Reply #9

Quote from: groundup – There are plenty of options to run Linux in a VM on Windows.

I know. But it is just not the best way to do it. Besides, it will drain my resources. I can always switch back to Windows (I have dual boot) and play with WAMP. But the thing is I rarely use Windows these days. Completely on Ubuntu.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Re: Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

Reply #10

Well, then you should learn how to use it "properly". ;)
Just a suggestion, obviously, but that's it.
Start apache and mysql are two lines:
Code: [Select]
sudo systemctl start apache2.service
sudo systemctl start mysql.service
What I did was create a script named "webserver":
Code: [Select]

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  echo "start, stop or restart please! :-P"
  exit 0


if [ $WHAT = 's' ]; then
if [ $WHAT = 't' ]; then
if [ $WHAT = 'r' ]; then

if [[ $WHAT = 'start' || $WHAT = 'stop' || $WHAT = 'restart' ]]; then
  echo [icode]sudo systemctl $WHAT apache2.service[/icode]
  echo [icode]sudo systemctl $WHAT mysql.service[/icode]
  echo "start, stop or restart please! :-P"
  exit 0
made it executable and used like this:
Code: [Select]
webserver s <= to start
webserver t <= to stop
webserver r <= to restart
It starts/stops/restarts both apache and mysql at the same time when I run it and I don't need to remember the exact command.
Of course it can be changed to default to start, so that you can use your mouse to run it.

WAMP and XAMPP may have some advantages on windows, but on linux the only thing that usually bothers me is where to find the configuration files, that I change... once or twice a year, so I spend a bit more searching for them and that's all.
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Re: Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

Reply #11

Thanks  Em. The main reason I tried to get something close to WAMP was that I usually play with many scripts. I try to modify them, tweak them and at times they end up in a mess. So I delete the current installation and use a new and begin from scratch.

Re: Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

Reply #12

That has almost nothing to do with WAMP. ;)

Scripts (e.g. php scripts like ElkArte) are in a directory and in databases, you can wipe that directory at any time without having to reinstall apache or php and you can delete the databases at any time without having to touch mysql. It would be the same as say that every time you want to delete your documents, you uninstall Office.

Yes, I know the feeling, I was used to do something very similar and I searched for XAMPP under Ubuntu me too the first time I had to switch from Win to Linux. But it ends up just being more work than necessary. It's much easier to install the software (that is then updated by the system), forget about it (you can also install phpMyAdmin directly from Ubuntu package manager if you want) and spend time playing with the scripts. ;)
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Re: Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

Reply #13

Once we get used to it, it feels ok. Hope 14.04 LTS will be lucky to have such a version.

Re: Installing LAMP on Ubuntu

Reply #14

Finally XAMPP is ready and has a GUI. Can I have the latest version of ElkArte please ? A zip file ready to install would be nice. Hope I can play around with it.