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Member list on mobile has odd artifacts every other row Started by scripple · · Read 6430 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Member list on mobile has odd artifacts every other row

Reply #15

Quote from: Antechinus – I still think the headers that split the list into letter categories need something extra. They aren't really just another row. They're dividers between section of content. You could drop an h3 into the li for those, and style that.
Yep, absolutely and I'll switch from span to div, it's more consistent with BoardIndex and MessageIndex. Thanks for the hint  :)
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Member list on mobile has odd artifacts every other row

Reply #16

The letters separator was my doing. O:-)

Remember: if you find something broken is usually my fault, but I'll always blame Norv. :P
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Re: Member list on mobile has odd artifacts every other row

Reply #17

ok, the initial bug report will be fixed with PR1465
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Member list on mobile has odd artifacts every other row

Reply #18

I was looking at the mlist in "mobile" mode, what do you think about hiding the email and keep for example... position or website?
email is usually (hopefully) an empty field, so it is not very helpful. Website may be more likely to have an entry, but probably the "position" is the more helpful for "the community" and not being a link it gives some space to safely scroll the list with the touch.
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Re: Member list on mobile has odd artifacts every other row

Reply #19

yep, that's what I wanted to do.. but unfortunately the problem is more complex.

email is (if available -> it's for admins only) the second child of that list..  for others the second child is website.
Thus the usage of child selectors, e.g. n+3 would give different results for admins vs. non-admins..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Member list on mobile has odd artifacts every other row

Reply #20

Ohhh... mmm... then it may need some class?
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Re: Member list on mobile has odd artifacts every other row

Reply #21

Yup. If you want to hide things selectively, give them all a class. Child selectors end up being a PITA and more trouble than they're worth once things get past the simple stage. Classes are ideal for this sort of thing.

Not sure how custom fields would be handled though. That could be tricky (unless you give them all the same "custom" class and hide the lot).
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Re: Member list on mobile has odd artifacts every other row

Reply #22

See if that makes sense:

email and date_registered at the first step
website at the second
* posts at the third

ETA: forgot to add, @TE what do you think about removing the left and right borders of the mlist table in Be Social!? They have some small problem connecting with the rounded header.
Bugs creator.
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Re: Member list on mobile has odd artifacts every other row

Reply #23

yep, no objections removing the borders .. changes looking good :+1:
Thorsten "TE" Eurich