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Should Topics Moved to the Recycle be shown in the Info Center? Started by AaronB · · Read 5939 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Should Topics Moved to the Recycle be shown in the Info Center?

I have moved a topic from a board and into a hidden recycle board, set the option for a redirect notice. In the Info Center a notice is shown indicating the topic has been moved. Of course, when the general user clicks on the topic in the Info Center it redirects to the proper error message.

Should topics moved to a hidden board, be indicated in the Info Center? Sometimes posts are moved due to their content being unacceptable; in those cases the admin usually does not want any indication of that post having been on the board.

Re: Should Topics Moved to the Recycle be shown in the Info Center?

Reply #1

Isn't that the purpose of choosing whether or not you want to leave a redirection topic though? If you don't want it to show up, then don't leave the redirect topic in public.
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Re: Should Topics Moved to the Recycle be shown in the Info Center?

Reply #2

 :)  Yes, that is true, no doubt. I guess I expected a  post that is moved to a hidden board would not be permitted to show a redirection; in short no option given or shown for a redirection notice when moving to a hidden board. SMF will show the redirect also so maybe it is best to leave it as is. Matters not, I suppose.

However, there may be a problem with this redirect to a hidden board as it is. I have moved the topic back to its original board and now I can not delete the redirect from the hidden board. I will tinker with that for a while I believe.

Re: Should Topics Moved to the Recycle be shown in the Info Center?

Reply #3

Regarding the main point of the topic.
Yes, it would be quite nice, but there is a huge problem: in fact a thing like an "hidden" board doesn't exist.
No, I'm not crazy: any board can be visible or not depending on the permissions settings for each member group. So you could have a board that is not visible to "regular members", but is visible to moderators, one that is not visible to neither "regular members" nor "moderators", but only admins, or even one that is not visible to moderators but is visible to regular members.
That means Elk wouldn't know to which group you want to hide the redirect from, and check access "in real time" is quite difficult, it would mean that for each topic Elk should check:
  • if the topic is a redirect (easy)
  • if it is a redirect it should:
  • find in which board the "destination" topic is (not so nice to do, but doable)
  • compare the groups the member belongs to with the groups that have access to the destination board (a huge p.i.t.a. because on one side (members) the groups are stored in three columns, one of which is a comma separated value (that would require special handling) and on the other side (boards) are stored in a comma separated field)

TBH with the current database schema I'm not even sure it's possible due to the two comma separated fields...
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Re: Should Topics Moved to the Recycle be shown in the Info Center?

Reply #4

Now, about this:
Quote from: AaronB – However, there may be a problem with this redirect to a hidden board as it is. I have moved the topic back to its original board and now I can not delete the redirect from the hidden board. I will tinker with that for a while I believe.
Nope, there is a way! ;D

Every time you follow a redirect you will get at the top of the "destination" topic a link that will allow you to go back to the redirect without being redirected.
Let's do an example:
At the moment there is a series of redirects, for example:
if you follow that link, you are redirected to:
but not with that exact url, but with this one:;redirfrom=1250
Now, if you read just below the topic subject at the top, you will see:
QuoteAaronb and 0 Guests are viewing this topic. Redirected from MOVED: [Solved] Spider
Do you see the "Redirected from" part?
If you click on that link, you will be brought to the redirect topic without being redirected (yeah, pretty difficult to explain LOL), and from that point you will be able to delete, move, edit, whatever the "redirect" topic. ;)
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Re: Should Topics Moved to the Recycle be shown in the Info Center?

Reply #5

Ahhhhh ... now I understand. I did not have a full undestanding of the matter. Yep, I see where it would be near impossible to try and guess who should see what and what is actually 'hidden', per se.

Many thanks for the well thought out explaination.   :)

Re: Should Topics Moved to the Recycle be shown in the Info Center?

Reply #6

Back for a second on that because I realised I missed a piece the first time I read it.

Quote from: AaronB – I have moved a topic from a board and into a hidden recycle board, set the option for a redirect notice.
It may or may not be relevant (so I'll not explain in details, if it is feel free to ask), but with ElkArte you can set a board as "recycle bin" and with that any topic deleted is moved there. So, unless of mistakes (for example picked the wrong board while moving) it's not necessary to "move" topics to a recycle board, just set it in the admin panel and delete the topics.
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