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Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants Started by scripple · · Read 10426 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Re: Editor Theming

Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #15

Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. Also yes. :D

Well, at least if you mean the option to use BBC mode instead of wysiwyg mode in SCEditor.

If you mean the option to not use SCEditor in quick reply, then I'd say probably no.
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Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #16

I mean this:
Quote$helptxt['disable_wysiwyg'] = 'This setting disallows all users from using the WYSIWYG ("What You See Is What You Get") editor on the post page.';
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Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #17

Oh that one. Iz in admin, yes? Yeah that's silly IMO. Relic from the Dark Ages.
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Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #19
I also had to tweak a bit the php code here:
@Spuds what do you think?

There is still a small issue: the editor doesn't know if the bbcodes are disabled, so adding bbcode and toggling source/code views you may end up with formatting in the wysiwyg that will not be in the final post.
 emanuele feels this is for 1.1. O:-)

ETA: replaced the second commit that was broken. :P
Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 05:53:21 pm by emanuele
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Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #20

I don't mind loosing the turn off wizzy option at all  :) , I don't think having that option saves anything with the new editor.

Does the call_integration_hook('integrate_bbc_buttons'); still work?  I've never tried modifying a static via a hook?

Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #21

Good point!... I forgot about it... lol

In the meantime I also found some old markup and stuff:
and dropped it. O:-)
Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 06:07:23 pm by emanuele
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Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #22

A few things.

In the first mod
Code: [Select]
style: "', $settings['default_theme_url'], '/css/', $context['theme_variant_url'], 'jquery.sceditor.elk', $context['theme_variant'], '.css",

Why use $settings['default_theme_url']?  Shouldn't you just use $context['theme_url'] so that themes other than the default can load their own styling?

And on the buttons mod, if you're dropping the disable wysiwyg won't you always have the removeformat and source buttons?  There's no reason to have them done separately now.

Also, please put the remove format with the array('font', 'size', 'color') like array('font', 'size', 'color','removeformat')

It's really designed to go with those three buttons.  It's job is to turn those settings off.  See the example running on the sceditor site.

Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #23

QuoteIt's really designed to go with those three buttons.  It's job is to turn those settings off.  See the example running on the sceditor site.

It can also remove bold, italic, underline, strike through, sup and sub ... FWIW

Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #24

Not to mention the left, right and centre justifying.....

I said not to mention them. :P

TBH I think the current location makes sense. BBC/WYSIWYG switch changes formatting of the form content, so having it next to that is as logical as anything else. It's just a matter of knowing wherre the button is. Once you've used it once, no problem.
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Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #25

Yes, but those click on click off with highlighting.   Colors/Fonts/Size don't.  So if want center to end I click left or right.  If I want bold to end I click bold again.  If I want red text to end what do I do?  Click gray text?  Well, that kinda works but not really.  It makes it gray, not default, which might not be gray if you have multiple themes.   So you have to click the remove format.

It's a pretty awful design honestly.  Clicking the color box and not selecting a color sometimes clears the color, often not.   Bleh.

Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #26

I'd be more than happy to remove font, size and color from the toolbar as well, removing bbc codes is one of my favorite things to do as I think almost all of them are useless TBH.

Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #27

I'm not sure that would make most people too happy.  I think in the end there's a hook to rearrange them however anyway, so it's ok if you insist on stranding the poor removeformat button from it's obvious stylistic cousin "A" brothers that's ok.    (But still wrong.   :P )

Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #28

TBH the font tag is useless, since it wont do a font stack that will show on any OS. It basically only does old Windows fonts, so anyone on Mac, Linux or mobile will probably just see the default theme font. I could happily lose the font button.

Size is useful for various things (a 12 pt heading works well in posts/articles that need a heading).

I've already mentoned that I disable coloured font on any forum I run, just to keep the nutters under some control.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Editor Theming Not Possible for Variants

Reply #29

A nice idea (for someone that want to mess with addons) could be a way to re-organize the editor's buttons! :D

 emanuele has no time... :'(
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