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ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 released Started by emanuele · · Read 17450 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 released

The ElkArte Community is pleased to announce the first ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate is now available. The release candidate is usually the last development step before release a stable version, made available to allow a final round of testing on what will be the first major version of ElkArte, though it's still considered a development version and as such is not recommended for production use.

For a more detailed list of issues fixed and improvements from the previous beta, please read the ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 release notes topic on the site.

For a list of known issues, please follow both the topic ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 known issues and the list of issues assigned to the 1.0 final milestone here at gitHub.

In order to help us release ElkArte, users of the release candidates are encouraged to report any bugs, issues or errors at our GitHub Issue Traker.

If you are nervous about reporting bugs through the formal bug reporting system, you can simply report your issues to our user community at ElkArte.

We look forward to receiving your feedback on this first release candidate of ElkArte!

Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 05:40:58 am by emanuele
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Re: [WIP] - ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - Release announcement

Reply #1

@emanuele is still in code edit mode.  :D

Thank you all for your effort and spended time to reach the final version!  :) 

Re: [WIP] - ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - Release announcement

Reply #2

Ehm... Where is it?  :o

Re: [WIP] - ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - Release announcement

Reply #3

 emanuele points Jorin at the "[WIP]" (Work In Progress) part of the subject. :P
I'm in the middle of transferring a site, give me half a day. ;)
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Re: [WIP] - ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - Release announcement

Reply #4

Oh sorry, didn't know what WIP stood for.  O:-)  Sure, take your time.

Re: [WIP] - ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 - Release announcement

Reply #5

I just found a last minute (well, second) bug worth fixing, I'm re-uploading the packages now.
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Re: ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Reply #6

I see a tagged version :D

Re: ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Reply #7

Congrats to the Elk team for this milestone. I can't wait to see 1.0 in action soon.

Re: ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Reply #8

Good job! :)

If I want to upgrade from Beta 2 should I run instal.php?

Re: ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Reply #9

Nope, just overwrite the files (except Settings.php and Settings_bak.php of course).
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Re: ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Reply #10

Opinion: I was considering releasing release candidates on a weekly basis (so in two days it would be out RC2).

I should also be able to create packages to update from the package manager rather quickly, so it may be an option as well. In case of packages, what would you prefer: a straight replacement of the files, or the classic "find&replace" within the files?
Honestly I would prefer the second, but the first wouldn't be a problem.

Actually, now that I think about it, weekly (or bi-weekly or monthly) releases would fit very well the beta stage, so that anyone would keep their packages up-to-date. I have work a bit on automate the release... But that would be better in the release-cycle topic. :P
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Re: ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Reply #11

Quote from: emanuele – Opinion: I was considering releasing release candidates on a weekly basis (so in two days it would be out RC2).

I should also be able to create packages to update from the package manager rather quickly, so it may be an option as well. In case of packages, what would you prefer: a straight replacement of the files, or the classic "find&replace" within the files?
Honestly I would prefer the second, but the first wouldn't be a problem.

Actually, now that I think about it, weekly (or bi-weekly or monthly) releases would fit very well the beta stage, so that anyone would keep their packages up-to-date. I have work a bit on automate the release... But that would be better in the release-cycle topic. :P

Release candidates should be candidates for release, aka a version that you think is ready to be stable. They shouldn't be time-related milestones, or just released when 'it seems reasonable' to have another. Don't fall into the SMF trap of appeasing the masses with releases!

Release early, release often, yes. But don't release if you seriously don't think it's ready. Make sure your release candidates are worthy of the name.

Re: ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Reply #12

How many release candidates are you planning to release? I thought after RC1 you will give us the final in a few weeks of bugfixing?  O:-)

I don't know if you know that I have half a dozen users who are testing a migration of our forum right now, which runs now with RC1, and we document all found bugs and errors at the moment. We thought it would be clever to collect them for a while and give @TE this list in a few days or weeks, when no new errors are found.

If you release another RC every week, I feel the urge to stop our test right now! I don't want to install another RC every week and will not force my members to test all of the errors they found again, if the error is fixed or not... And test it with another RC. And again with another RC. And again. And again... Oh, and maybe there are new bugs... ::)

Not happy with this, no.  :(

Re: ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Reply #13

Well, it is a question. :P

BTW, @Jorin I would suggest you to report the bugs as you find them, I think it's easier to see them one by one and fix them as they come. ;)
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Re: ElkArte 1.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Reply #14

Sure. You will get the information you need to fix the errors as detailed and exact as possible. Give us just a few days please.