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RC1: Odd package install behavior Started by scripple · · Read 1756 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

RC1: Odd package install behavior

I tried to install my new posts mod that just adds a "NEW" in the post display.  It makes a simple change to Display.template.php.  It does not install any files.  Yet when I installed it (after replacing $themedir with THEMEDIR) I get this odd response.

Code: [Select]
The following file permissions were changed in order to install the selected package(s). You can return these files back to their original status by clicking "Restore" below.

$themedir/images/logo.png 0 0755 (Writable)

I've seen these odd errors when I used to create more than one level deep subdirectories (which is probably another bug) but in this case my mod doesn't even touch that file.  And why is $themedir back when I had to change the mod to use THEMEDIR?


Re: RC1: Odd package install behavior

Reply #1

I'm actually getting this error for every package I install.  The file logo.png is 0664 permissions regardless of what the error message is claiming.

Re: RC1: Odd package install behavior

Reply #2

Can you attach the package-info.xml you are using?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: RC1: Odd package install behavior

Reply #3

Actually this one just magically fixed itself.  I tried uninstalling and reinstalling a package and the error isn't there.  Not sure what changed but unless this happens again when I move things to the live site I'll chalk it up to I must have had something messed up.