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APC strikes again Started by scripple · · Read 3282 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

APC strikes again

I was trying to move the RC1 release to my public site, when I got hit by the APC session issues again.  I then went back to the old forum and noticed it's there as well.  My server recently updated a lot of software so I'm guessing that's when it actually broke, I just hadn't logged out or done admin stuff since then.

So the "fix" for APC apparently isn't really quite correct.

Re: APC strikes again

Reply #1

Have not looked at this in some time as I don't use APC.  There are several bug reports written against APC (destroying static class members) but they have all been closed as "will not fix" as well, big help there.

What version of php and apc is this on?  Are you using, database sessions?  Do you have session.auto_start in your php.ini ?  Just trying to see if the register_shutdown_function() is being called or not. (its in Session.php in the loadSession function)

Re: APC strikes again

Reply #2

php 5.4.26
APC 3.1.13
Use database driven sessions = checked (I assume you mean the Elk setting)
session.auto_start = 0

Is there a better accelerator to use?

Re: APC strikes again

Reply #3

So here's an oddity.  register_shutdown_function() was not being called because cache_enable was set to 0.  Yet on the admin server config cache page is showed as level 1.  I changed it to 2 and saved it and then cache_enable was set to 2.  Then I went back and changed it back to 1 and cache_enable was 1.  And then things worked again with APC.

So why would the admin page show me 1 when a print from session.php showed 0?

Re: APC strikes again

Reply #4

Quote from: scripple – ...  And then things worked again with APC.
Cool ...
Quote from: scripple – So why would the admin page show me 1 when a print from session.php showed 0?
That is a mystery, I'll need to so some digging around on tha, very strange indeed.
QuoteIs there a better accelerator to use?
TBH there really is not that much of a difference between all of them.  I tend to use Xcache since its been trouble free for me, but no reason to not use APC (well at least since the fix is still working !)

Re: APC strikes again

Reply #5

@Spuds did you dig it? :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: APC strikes again

Reply #6

Nope ... forgot all about it TBH  O:-)   I'll try an remember to take a look again in case there is something obvious.