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Help icons in the admin panel Started by emanuele · · Read 3607 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Help icons in the admin panel

I always hated them because of the misalignment between those with and those without, now I was looking at how to fix them in rtl and discovered is a bit more difficult then expected (i.e. I'd have to use an important or another selector).
So I was thinking... why not move them after the sentence?
Isn't it more logical?
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Re: Help icons in the admin panel

Reply #1

Move them and stop using pop-ups.  ;)

Re: Help icons in the admin panel

Reply #2

I like them where they are and with the pop ups,  though it does make for an ugly offset on some strings. If the pop ups are removed then how is the help displayed? Taking the user to another help page is darn annoying for most; especially if that page is not a new window. Stuffing the help sign at the end of a sentence just seems cumbersome, awkward and breaks the look of the sentence.

However, a possible solution ... maybe for both LTR and RTL languages is to place the help sign ( ? ) in the corner of a bar and if the user clicks on that then they get a scrolling pop up that contains information about all the options on that page. If not a pop up then open a new window/tab in the same browser and display the help there. This gives the user the abillity to tab between the area they are working in and the help tab.

Another solution is to send the user to ElkArte for the help info. The problem with clicking on a help sign and sending the user to ElkArte is that it could be a problem if the user is offline or for some odd reason does not have a working internet.

A third solution is to reserve the first 4 or so spaces of each line for a help sign. Then display all strings beginning at postion 7 or whatever. That should work on RTL and LTR.

Re: Help icons in the admin panel

Reply #3

What about putting the help text into a tooltip instead?
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!

Re: Help icons in the admin panel

Reply #4

Quote from: Aggelos – However, a possible solution ... maybe for both LTR and RTL languages is to place the help sign ( ? ) in the corner of a bar and if the user clicks on that then they get a scrolling pop up that contains information about all the options on that page. If not a pop up then open a new window/tab in the same browser and display the help there. This gives the user the abillity to tab between the area they are working in and the help tab.


Quote from: Aggelos – Another solution is to send the user to ElkArte for the help info.

Please not. Not as long as you have a localized wiki for the most languages.

Re: Help icons in the admin panel

Reply #5

Quote from: Aggelos – I like them where they are and with the pop ups,  though it does make for an ugly offset on some strings. If the pop ups are removed then how is the help displayed? Taking the user to another help page is darn annoying for most; especially if that page is not a new window. Stuffing the help sign at the end of a sentence just seems cumbersome, awkward and breaks the look of the sentence.

I wasn't suggesting anything so barbaric.

Help should be displayed in-line, underneath the admin item, when the button is clicked (using jQuery?). The aim is to allow users to see help tips without breaking their flow of work, so help can be referenced while changes are being made.

Re: Help icons in the admin panel

Reply #6

Could just add some absolute position to the help icons and adjust their margin out in to the "gutter" to align things a bit better.


Re: Help icons in the admin panel

Reply #7

Looks the easiest option for the moment I guess. :+1: to what Spuds said then.

 emanuele waits for the PR. :P
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Re: Help icons in the admin panel

Reply #8

Oh you dirty dog !

I'll make the PR, need to look at the browsers to make sure it works everywhere, heck its just two lines, how bad can that be  O:-)

Re: Help icons in the admin panel

Reply #9


 emanuele can't reliably test css with his linux box. :P
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Re: Help icons in the admin panel

Reply #10

I don't want to nitpick because the person that does is better than the person says to do, but the margin should be a little larger and would look nicer if it were the same for all.