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[RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday" Started by Jorin · · Read 9574 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

I choose the german language files. If I choose to use "today" and "yesterday", the time stamp on these two days will look like this:


On the other days it will look like this:

18:45 Uhr

Is there any chance to fix this?

Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #1

Looks good on my "test install"... except I don't know German and I rely on google... O:-)

Where does it look like that?
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Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #2

In forum index. With german language we need the "Uhr" every time.

Edit: "Am Heute um 16:45" too is not perfect. It should be "Heute um 16:45 Uhr". But that's nearly impossible to handle, right?

Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #3

Okay, without having realized it, that's exactly the problem I was thinking about yesterday while looking at the code.
The current strings are:
Code: [Select]
$txt['today'] = 'Today';
and used like:
Code: [Select]
$txt['today'] . $time
while it would be much better to have:
Code: [Select]
$txt['today'] = 'Today %1$s';
and use them like:
Code: [Select]
sprintf($txt['today'], $time)
that way in German it would become:
Code: [Select]
$txt['today'] = 'Heute um %1$s Uhr'];

That said, could you please have a look here:
because it seems to me there is something different from your screen (the "vormittags"). Not sure how to relate it with the rest... :-[
The whole sentence is:
Quoteam Heute um 09:15:11 vormittags
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Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #4

Quote from: emanuele – would be much better to have:

Code: [Select]
$txt['today'] = 'Today %1$s';
and use them like:

Code: [Select]
sprintf($txt['today'], $time)
that way in German it would become:

Code: [Select]
$txt['today'] = 'Heute um %1$s Uhr'];

That said, could you please have a look here:
because it seems to me there is something different from your screen (the "vormittags"). Not sure how to relate it with the rest... :-[
The whole sentence is:

Quoteam Heute um 09:15:11 vormittags

Much better. It would be perfect if it were like this:

am Heute um 09:15 Uhr vormittags  O:-)

"Vormittags" is only needed with 12h instead of 24h. Or without any hour. It's nearly the same as "am" (vormittags) and "pm" (nachmittags).

Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #5

Oh so the "am" there is not German but the English "am"?
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Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #6

Right. You can use one of these in german, they are all correct:

Heute vormittag um 9:45 Uhr. (which means today 9:45 am)
Gestern nachmittag um 17:45 Uhr. (which means yesterday 5:45 pm)
Heute um 9:45 Uhr.
Heute vormittag. (without time and s)
Gestern nachmittag. (without time and s)
Am 27.09. vormittags um 9:45 Uhr. (with time and s)
Am 27.09. nachmittags um 17:45 Uhr. (with time and s)
Am 27.09. um 9:45 Uhr.

Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #7

Thanks for the explanation! :D

 emanuele keeps this unread
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Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #8

You're welcome.

Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #9

By the way: The "who's online" site is missing the "Uhr" after the time completely.  O:-)

Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #10

Quote from: Jorin – Right. You can use one of these in german, they are all correct:

Heute vormittag um 9:45 Uhr. (which means today 9:45 am)
Gestern nachmittag um 17:45 Uhr. (which means yesterday 5:45 pm)
Heute um 9:45 Uhr.
Heute vormittag. (without time and s)
Gestern nachmittag. (without time and s)
Am 27.09. vormittags um 9:45 Uhr. (with time and s)
Am 27.09. nachmittags um 17:45 Uhr. (with time and s)
Am 27.09. um 9:45 Uhr.
Will this "problem" be fixed in RC2 or final? O:-)

Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #11

That one may be a bit tricky.
The main problem is that these strings are used in a kind of odd way in the "who is online" page too, and just replace them with an sprintf would create problems there.
In particular, in the "time" column is built like that:
* 1st the normal time is generated doing:
Code: [Select]
$time = $txt['today'] . $time
and obtaining "Today at 02:46:17 pm" for example,
* then, somewhere else, the "today at" is stripped out with a replace like this:
Code: [Select]
$time = strtr($time, array($txt['today'] => ''));

To solve that it requires to add two new strings in Who.{language}.php at least.

Let's see, try to apply these changes and see if the result looks good, then we can decide on applying it to RC2 or final.

In Subs.php:
Code: (find) [Select]
			return $txt['today'] . standardTime($log_time, $today_fmt, $offset_type);
Code: (replace with) [Select]
			return sprintf($txt['today'], standardTime($log_time, $today_fmt, $offset_type));

Code: (find) [Select]
			return $txt['yesterday'] . standardTime($log_time, $today_fmt, $offset_type);
Code: (replace with) [Select]
			return sprintf($txt['yesterday'], standardTime($log_time, $today_fmt, $offset_type));

In index.english.php:
Code: (find) [Select]
$txt['today'] = 'Today at ';
$txt['yesterday'] = 'Yesterday at ';
Code: (replace with) [Select]
$txt['today'] = 'Today at %1$s';
$txt['yesterday'] = 'Yesterday at %1$s';
And the corresponding change in index.german.php.
Additionally, in Who.english.php and Who.german.php:
Code: (add at the end) [Select]
// Overrides the already defined strings to get clean results in the table
$txt['today'] = '%1$s';
$txt['yesterday'] = '%1$s';

Let me know if it works for you. ;)
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Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #12

Still have a "am Heute um 09:12"  :(

Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #13

What did you put in $txt['today'] and $txt['yesterday'] of the index.german.php file?
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Re: [RC1] time format with "today" and "yesterday"

Reply #14

Code: [Select]
// Overrides the already defined strings to get clean results in the table

$txt['today'] = '%1$s';
$txt['yesterday'] = '%1$s';
Ah... There must be "Heute" und "Gestern" instead of "%1$s"? No... Now it's "Am Heute um" without any time.