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date?!? Started by Jorin · · Read 1666 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Installed a new, fresh RC1 today and when I make a post in it the time shows like this:

QuoteHeute um %1$s16:07
In the admin control panel I entered this:

Quote%d. %B %Y um %H:%M
Huh?  :o

Can anyone help?

Edit: Oh, and I use the WYSIWYG editor here at but always when I copy text from another forum or website with strg+c and insert it into the editor field with strg+v the editor adds some font variables?!?


Re: date?!?

Reply #1

Quote from: Jorin – Installed a new, fresh RC1 today and when I make a post in it the time shows like this:
Where? :P

English or German?
If German, did you update the language file with changes explained (more or less) here?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: date?!?

Reply #2

Yeah, that was the problem.  :-[