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More than one likes in a thread Started by Jorin · · Read 7757 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #15

Yeah, possibly. That would explain why my index says no likes, but my test thread had four of them - but not in the first post.

What was the idea behind this design choice? For me (and Ruth) it's very confusing to see: "This thread has no likes" but when you enter it there are 5.

And: What about mark a topic as hot or very hot depending on the number of likes? So a thread with 10 likes would be marked as hot, but the index only counts 2 likes (for the first post)?

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #16

It means that "likes" given to replys are never counted to be displayed in the index?

What is about the "Hot Topics", if you choose the "likes" for them? Do the all need to get - for example - 20 likes on the first post in its thread?

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #17

As far as I know it's the way all the "likes" work: the likes of the "topic" are those given to the first message.

And it sort of make sense, let's say you open a topic with a message "I like chocolate" and 10 people gives a like, then within the answers someone writes "I hate chocolate" and this message receives 5 likes. It's not really correct to say the "topic" has received 15 likes, because only 10 people liked the "subject" of the topic, while 5 liked the opposite, but that was just a reply to the topic.
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Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #18

Yes...for this example I agree, emanuele... ;)


If I ask a stupid question in the first message of a topic and you will give a clever and needful reply, and  10000 of users like your reply - then I think this topic should be a "Hot Topic".

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #19

I've brought this behavior up a couple of times (and I'm responsible for it :P)

- The likes shown on the topic listing are for likes given to the topic, this being esoterically defined as likes on the very first post in a thread. 
- Other likes in a thread do not count towards the topic like, its only those given to the first post. 

QuoteShould that stay the way it is, to me is seems like the main counter is not going to move much, or should any like given go to the topic total and be shown on the main topic listing (where you can sort by likes)

I posed the above question sometime back and got good discussion both ways, so thats why it was not changed in 1.0.   I don't want to make it an option in the admin panel since its turning it on/off would require a round of maintenance on the db to reset /update the counts. 

It just comes down to what to folks really expect, what is the behavior on other forum systems that utilize like systems?

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #20

Yes...I understand this, Spuds...I hope so. ;)

In my forums the replies are not less important than the first posts in topics. My members will not understand, why the likes they have given or received on replies are not shown in the boards. It had confused me this much, that I thought, this must be a mistake.

And I don't want to tell my members, that they should always like the first post of a topic, if they like the topic or some replies in it. ;) It's also not nice for those members, wich have written good and important replies.

So I think, I will change the "Hot Topics" back to the number of posts they have got...
And I will change the index in the boards, that the counter of the likes is not displayed at all, if this is possible?
Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 09:32:46 pm by Ruth


Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #21

Quote from: Ruth – Yes...I understand this, Spuds...I hope so. ;)

In my forums the replies are not less important than the first posts in topics. My members will not understand, why the likes they have given or received on replies are not shown in the boards. It had confused me this much, that I thought, this must be a mistake.

And I don't want to tell my members, that they should always like the first post of a topic, if they like the topic or some replies in it. ;) It's also not nice for those members, wich have written good and important replies.

So I think, I will change the "Hot Topics" back to the number of posts they have got...
And I will change the index in the boards, that the counter of the likes is not displayed at all, if this is possible?
Thanks for the feedback, I believe it will be a source of confusion for most.  The logic makes sense but people don't want to have to think about things like that, they just expect the counter to increase.

You will have to edit the template to remove the likes row from the message index, as long as likes are enabled, it will be shown.  So in MessageIndex.template find and remove (or comment out)
Code: [Select]
			// Show likes?
if (!empty($modSettings['likes_enabled']))
echo '<br />
', $topic['likes'], ' ', $txt['likes'];

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #22

Quote from: Spuds – what is the behavior on other forum systems that utilize like systems?
XenForo: first message are "topic likes".
WoltLab Burning Board: apparently first message are "topic likes".
vBulletin: apparently first message are "topic likes".
IPB: can't find any reference.
phpBB: I should install it, so it may take some time to test.
From what I can see most of them are doing the same thing as Elk (or Elk is doing the same thing as the others :P).

Write an addon to change that behaviour should not be too difficult, in fact is just a matter of increase the counter even if it's not a "first message", it would require some maintenance for consistency, that's true, but should be doable I guess.
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Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #23

Thank you very much, Spuds. I will change it in MessageIndex.template ...or I will wait until an addon is written. ;)

I would prefer to have the number of all the likes in a topic for the "hot topics", it seems much better to me than the number of posts, as it had always been. Because the number of posts says very often nothing about the "quality" or importance of a topic, but the number of likes maybe can do this.

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #24

Quote from: emanuele – Write an addon to change that behaviour should not be too difficult, in fact is just a matter of increase the counter even if it's not a "first message", it would require some maintenance for consistency, that's true, but should be doable I guess.

I just want to ask, if someone has writen an addon? ;)