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Unwatch Thread Started by Mstcool · · Read 16249 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Unwatch Thread

Hey Guys,

Now I am not sure if this already exists or what. I don't think SMF has it. Anyways, I have posted in a few threads at SMF and I don't really want to get notifications of new replies, anymore. And idk if they have a unwatch feature.

So, I  was wondering, if its not already added, maybe ElkArte can have a feature where members can choose which topics not to get replies of anymore. And y'all can call it "unwatch threads" or whatever you guys prefer. I think this would be a pretty neat feature. :p

Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #1

It has been an SMF feature since forever: the "notify" button + the "notification" area in your profile. ;)
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Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #2

I think the OP is talking about action=unreadreplies. There's no vanilla method to do that, although someone published a mod for SMF to allow you to remove those messages from that list. Perhaps someone will port it.

Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #3

I think he has activated this in his profile:

QuoteTurn topic notification on when you post or reply to a topic...

So he becomes a notification of all new posts in every thread he has ever answered. And now he wants a function that he can mark some threads "unwatched" so he won't get the notifications of this threads anymore.


If so the solution is simple. Deactive this option in your profile and look at all the threads in the notification area of your profile. You can delete them there and you will no longer get notifications.

Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #4

Well... then there is the "unwatch/watch" button. :P

ETA: and that makes me think: do people not look around in the interface, or just the interface is so bad?
I mean, the button has exactly the name Mstcool typed, so he was looking for the "unwatch" function. The button in the interface is called "unwatch". So the thing he is looking for has exactly the name he is searching, and yet it is not evident that is present and available. So it may mean that the interface is not clear enough to highlight features present.
How could it be more evident?
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Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #5

Say what!

I didn't activate that feature in my profile.

Quote from: Eliana Tamerin – I think the OP is talking about action=unreadreplies. There's no vanilla method to do that, although someone published a mod for SMF to allow you to remove those messages from that list. Perhaps someone will port it.

This is what I mean. :p
It's so annoying when I get notifications of threads of mods that I don't even use. Like the mods are cool and thats why I commented, to say that they are nice mods. And now I receive notifications pretty much of the same thread (s) every single day....

Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #6

I don't get it. I don't get notifications of new replies in the threads I wrote.

There's a button called "new replies" which I have to click to get a list of threads where I have answered and where new replies are made (action=unreadreplies). But there will be no notifications send to me and if I don't want to see this list, the only thing I have to do is to ignore the button!?! :o

Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #7

Well, I now don't understand at all what you want.

You don't have the option to receive emails [1] and I expect you do not receive emails, or are you receiving them?

Then the only other "notification" is the "new replies" button. If you were referring to that one, there are two "unwatch" buttons in each topic you can access. That's why I was wondering if the design of the page is so wrong that buttons are in places people do not see them. ;)
let's try not to use "notifications" for everything, otherwise understand each other is a mess when one of the two thinks notifications are a thing, while the other thinks it's another.
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Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #8

Oh, this forum does have the unwatch button. I knew I was messing up!

And nah, by notifications, I meant, everytime I clicked on the new replies thing, I would get replies from topics that I wanna unwatch. But this forum has it, which is really good!

Thanks guys!!!! :)

Now, lets hope SMF makes this as well, or at least for their support forum. :p

Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #9

Believe me, after having been around SMF for so long there are 100's of topics i do not want in my unread list anymore... So glad Elk put this in.
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!

Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #10

Quote from: Mstcool – Now, lets hope SMF makes this as well, or at least for their support forum. :p
Actually I wrote the feature for 2.1 a long while ago. :P

Hey! But that's ElkArte, who cares about SMF! :P
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Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #11

Quote from: emanuele –
Quote from: Mstcool – Now, lets hope SMF makes this as well, or at least for their support forum. :p
Actually I wrote the feature for 2.1 a long while ago. :P

Hey! But that's ElkArte, who cares about SMF! :P

Lool, haha, alright.

There was one more feature that I believe Elkarte doesn't have, but I forgot what it was lol.

Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #12

Please do not lock topics unless there is a reason.
And "discussion is over" is not really a reason, for example in this case there is the potential of improving a sub-par UI for an important feature. ;)
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Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #13

Who said discussion is over? :P

Re: Unwatch Thread

Reply #14

Lars and I tried to find out what's this function about. But we can't. It seems nothing's changing no matter if you unwatch topics or watch them again.

If you watch a topic you get no notification of new posts inside these topics. That's good because if so you would get a hundred notifications a day. But if you unwatch a topic all seems to be the same.  :o

I think I need some more help to understand what this button is about.