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Some questions about functionalities Started by Jorin · · Read 3478 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Some questions about functionalities

Need some answers, please help. ;)

1. I can mark a threas as "unread". I read about it before but I can't find it anymore. What does this function do? What happens when I mark a thread as "unread" and what happens by default (the thread is marked "read")?

2. Does this have anything to do with the buttons "new posts" and "new replies" in the header? Will "unread" threads not be shown there?

3. Has "notify me of replies", which can be set when writing a post, anything to do with this?

Your explanations are very appreciated! O:-)

Re: Some questions about functionalities

Reply #1

1) Next to the "reply" button. ;)

2) Yes. ... I wonder if you are more interested in "read/unread" or in "watch/unwatch"? I mean: unread is anything that has not been read by you, so when you see the "new" thing next to a topic in the message index, that is an "unread" topic, it means that someone else posted in that topic after you have read it. If you mark a topic as unread it has the same effect and consequences: you see the "new", you see it in the list of "new posts" [1], and if you posted in it you will see it in the "new replies".
Watch/unwatch, instead, is... something like "ignore topics I replied to".
More in details explanation: "new replies" show topics you have posted in. But you may not be interested in some, when you clic "unwatch" Elk will not show the topic in the "unread replies" page, even if it has new replies that you have not read.

3) "notify me of replies" is yet another thing, when you enable it you will receive an email according to the notification settings (i.e. every reply, first reply only, once a day, once a week).

I feel like I made a bit of a mess explaining this... right?

Let's see if I can explain all the options one by one:
  • read/unread: if you "enter" a topic, you are reading it, and as such the topic is marked "as read"[2].
    You can mark topics both "as read" or "as unread". The first happens for example when you click the "Mark ALL messages as read" button on the board index.
    When a topic is "read" you will not see it neither in "new posts" not in "new replies".
    When a topic is "unread" you will see it in "new posts" or in "new posts => all unread topics" and you may see it in "new replies" if you have posted in that topic.
  • watch/unwatch: from the moment you reply to a topic that topic will be displayed in the "new replies". This may not be the wanted effect in many cases, so you can use the "unwatch" button, this will remove that topic from the "new replies" page [3].
  • notify/unnotify: this controls only the email notifications of new replies received by email.

I think/hope that should explain a bit better the situation. :)

One of the goals of 1.1 should be to "clean up" and consolidate all these options into something more manageable and easy to understand... I think.
Actually only "all unread topics" that is shown if you don't have unread topics since your last visit (and the "unread topics since your last visit" is the button "new posts").
Well, there are some exceptions, but let's not care about it for the moment.
I think it's the only place affected by the "unwatch", but honestly I coded that part a long time ago and  don't remember if it touches the "new posts" as well... :-[
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Re: Some questions about functionalities

Reply #2

So if I "unwatch" a topic I will never see it again in the list of new posts and/or replies no matter that I have posted there in the past and now there are some new answers?

And I can control this for every board in my profile ("You are receiving notifications on the boards shown in BOLD. Use the checkboxes to turn these off or add additional boards to your notification list")? Or is this for e-mail-notifications only and I can deactivate them board for board, no matter what option I choosed in a thread in these boards?

And what about "To receive notifications from a specific topic, click the "Notify" button while viewing it." in my profile? If activated in a thread I wil receive e-mail-notifications about new answers in these threads, right? That as nothing to do with "watch" or "unwatch" a topic, right?

Confusing stuff! :o

Re: Some questions about functionalities

Reply #3

watch/unwatch => "new replies" =>
notify (any notification) => emails =>;area=notification

Now, "notifications" can be "per topic" or "per board". The first means replies to a certain topic, the second means new topics in a board.

It's not different from SMF, the only addition is watch/unwatch.
How should it work for you?
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Re: Some questions about functionalities

Reply #4

Thank you, Emanuele.

I only need a system who informs me of answers to my posts in any form I wish. As a mention (yes, I think this is a kind of mention too), via e-mail or with a list inside the forum - should be my decision. I should be able to choose if I wanna be noticed by default or not and should be able to enable/disable the notification when I write a post (for this single post). That's all I need. This would keep the system easy to understand and easy to use. ;)