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Send notification to Android/iOS Started by Jorin · · Read 7061 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Send notification to Android/iOS

A lot of us are using a smart mobile phone the whole day. We browse the web, we read and answer our mails, use the calendar, we chat and we make photos. Some use it for navigation and so on.

What if we could find a way ElkArte informs us via our mobile phone about things happening in the forum? I know, this can be handled with notification mails from the software, which will alert me on my mobile phone when the mail arrives. But this needs a mail and the mail programm to work. I think about a little app, providing some few settings:

- The ElkArte URL, so the app can be used with many ElkArte installations.
- What notifications you want to get (new ansers, new posts, new messages).
- Notify with sound or not.

If you get the notification and open it, you should see the mobile view in the system browser, leaded directly to the new post or message. I think you get the idea.

Don't know if this is even doable. Maybe it's complete needless.

Re: Send notification to Android/iOS

Reply #1

Yes, I would love to write an app for mobile devices. O:-)
 emanuele has a lot to learn though.

Some quick info found on the net:
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Re: Send notification to Android/iOS

Reply #2

I wrote a simple how to create an android app somewhere in SMF forum. It just a simple webview approach that is basically the same as viewing your app in a browser. It should be the same basic for ElkArte or any other website.

IMO a notification system from your forum to your app is very much possible. I think the basic guidelines is a bit here and there. I believe there will be more when more and more people are sharing the how tos later on.

Plus, I did see some notification that can be pass to desktop browser (I think via javascript) and may be that could be the same with the android app.

Do share them here if you accomplish it. Good luck!

Re: Send notification to Android/iOS

Reply #3

What do you think of things like:
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Send notification to Android/iOS

Reply #5

Ouch! xD
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Send notification to Android/iOS

Reply #6

Google's push API seem to be easy to use, too.
Pushover needs an extra client on your device whereas Google's API is build in on android devices.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Send notification to Android/iOS

Reply #7

A push system probably shouldn't tie users into a specific service. If we add push to Elkarte, it should have many different services available as plugins.

I'm working on push for to send Elkarte notifications to our Android app and perhaps also the HTML5 Push API so that we can push notifications to browsers, even when the Xydre tab is closed.

Re: Send notification to Android/iOS

Reply #8

W3C draft spec on Push API:
Last Edit: June 25, 2015, 07:39:49 am by ant59

Re: Send notification to Android/iOS

Reply #9

Yep, a "public API" able to let other systems integrate is a good thought. nods
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Send notification to Android/iOS

Reply #12

The pushover app is pretty good.
Last Edit: December 08, 2023, 10:09:35 am by neamo