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Expanding translations? Started by emanuele · · Read 5151 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Expanding translations?

Reply #1

I have no objection so long it is user friendly. I hope it is equivalent with the one we used right now.

Re: Expanding translations?

Reply #2

Honestly I have not investigated much (I just registered, it makes you translate 20 strings, probably from random projects to... dunno, likely verify your skills and contribute something).

What I was thinking while posting was to make it act more as a "support", so have transifex as reference and this as help, especially for languages not very wide-spread that could get some more love from a wider audience of translators (the project is used to translate WikiMedia, so it has an established community of translators).
I'll try in the next few days to contact them on IRC and see what are the terms.
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