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Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test] Started by Flavio93Zena · · Read 4229 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test]

As per screenshot. IMHO it would be better to have some dots instead of truncating the whole word...
What do you think? :)
Note: this happens in both linktrees.
Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 11:05:59 pm by Flavio93Zena
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles

Reply #1

Code: [Select]
.linktree:last-child>span {
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
max-width: 25em;
It's caused by overflow: hidden.. Not sure if we can simply remove it..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles

Reply #2

EDIT: since I discovered that the topic title can't be longer than what I have set it at right now (didn't know there was a limit) I think you could fix it the way you said without having any other issue. If you want to be picky replace hidden with "visible" perhaps... But just to be picky :P
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test]

Reply #3

Found another one, just next to the time I posted this you can see the re: Topic title ecc that gets truncated as well...
I'd suggest to put
Code: [Select]
overflow: visible;
max-width: 100%;
instead of the original
Code: [Select]
overflow: hidden;
max-width: 15em;
for .post_subject. It should show up correctly on all resolutions and auto-align correctly, due to the small font there shouldn't be any problems with that. :D
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test]

Reply #4

The problem (one of them) was discussed here:  Not sure if we could add
Code: [Select]
text-overflow: ellipsis;
to that, it may help but you may have to shorten the max width a bit more as well.

Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test]

Reply #5

Hmm wait we should clarify what we are talking about each time because the issues I spoke about are 2 :P
If you meant the linktree the width doesn't even seem to affect it at all since it's too short anyways... So I'd just change the "hidden" to "visible" and that's it, due to the topic title limit it should be fixed without edge cases or any other problems.
If you meant the .post_subject - The max-width doesn't seem to affect it too much because the float is on the right side and the topic title max lenght seems to make it impossible for it to break the 100% or even 40%, the first change that I notice is when I drop it to 39%, then it starts cutting it, at least on my screen (which is kinda wide though - 1920 * 1080).

P.s. Missed that topic (kinda old...) and the issue is still there so I think that this reminder is a good thing ;D
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test]

Reply #6

Quote from: TE – It's caused by overflow: hidden.. Not sure if we can simply remove it..
Adding a text-overflow: ellipsis; doesn't seem to break anything. But I didn't test it too much.

About 100% VS 25em, there is also to consider that the subject in the linktree is... well, probably nothing more than a quick reminder because close to the upper linktree there is already the big "topic: " with the subject, so have the full one is not so strictly important.
Actually, I seem to remember at some point it was proposed to not even show it and stop at the upper level of the hierarchy (board for the topic, category for the board, etc.).

And something similar applies to the subject of each message: they are there as reminder and in the remote case someone changes the subject, but is more like a reminder for when you have multiple tabs open to find at a glance what you are reading. Cutting it is a way to balance the need to know where you are, with the annoyance from having the same line of text repeated the same way for 25 times in each page of the topic.
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Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test]

Reply #7

That, too. Yet seeing the linktree being truncated like that is not very nice to me, I could agree on leaving the topic title truncated with dots in the replies though for the reasons you mentioned. Then... Your call on this one :)
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test]

Reply #8

Added the css suggested by @Spuds to the site here, let me know if it looks better and if there is something broken.
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Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test]

Reply #9

Seems to be working :) At least on a 1920*1080px screen.
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test]

Reply #10

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Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test]

Reply #11

I think I forgot to commit it to 1.0.3... xD

ETA: tracked for 1.0.4
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Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test]

Reply #12

Not to be rude but organizing your work in a better way would be the best choice both for you but also for ElkArte. I know you can do it, otherwise I wouldn't be saying it ;)

Fill out a commit TO-DO list on paper and then review all of the points in it before releasing the new version, at least that's what I would do :P
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test]

Reply #13

That's why I trakced it. :P
Bugs creator.
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Template killer.

Re: Topic title being truncated in linktree for long topic titles[longer title test]

Reply #14

I don't know how much reliable can GitHub be, that's why I suggested the old good paperwork ;D Either way it's fine as long as you keep your stuff more organized with a good list.
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~