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Javascript error checking in post action Started by tycms · · Read 7650 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Re: Drafts

Javascript error checking in post action

Quote from: TestMonkey – Ah. This isn't drafts. And it's not a bug, it's a feature! :D
It's the smart js we added to help you know of errors before you submit.

It is intended to inform you that you won't be able to submit, with empty fields like title and post.

I mean, why should it let you submit, load a page, only to find out AFTER that you can't post, with a title empty?

Suppose you quoted a message and started typing a reply. Then for some reason you had to leave it for a long time. When you complete the reply and try to send it, "the message has the following error or errors that must be corrected before continuing:" warning appears without any explanation. I am not sure about the session length. I will try to replicate this on my local install and report back.

Re: Javascript error checking in post action

Reply #1

Yeah, it's going to be timing out of the session and the drafts handler returns the session timeout error.

I personally excluded session timeout from draft saving in Wedge, for this very reason.


Re: Javascript error checking in post action

Reply #2

This is most probably something related to session verification. I suspect that this bug might also appear at other actions.

Re: Javascript error checking in post action

Reply #3

Not the way it's happening here.

Re: Javascript error checking in post action

Reply #4

Started typing now (2013/11/30 @ 14:17 ECT).

I'll post it later when I come back home. :P

ETA: it's now midnight, so about 8 hours after not even a session error... ???
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Javascript error checking in post action

Reply #5

I'd say this has been probably fixed in the meantime whatever it was.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.