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ILA drafts and attachments Started by emanuele · · Read 7591 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

ILA drafts and attachments

Adding ILA to 1.1, I feel it would be "expected" to have attachments be saved for drafts as well as for normal posts.
What do you think?

What do you think would be the best approach for that?
I'm unsure between the "have a new table for a quick and dirty workaround" and the "add a new column to the attachments table and fix all the functions dealing with attachments to understand this new field" approaches.
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Re: ILA drafts and attachments

Reply #1

I like the idea of inline images in the core. Imo it's not a must have attachments saved as drafts. I'm also curious to know what the others think about this

What is strange is that I still have some users who asks how to add attachments, so if inline images will be in the core I think the interface should be simple to use, from desktop and mobile ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: ILA drafts and attachments

Reply #2

Yep, it should be as simple as possible if it is in the core. I like the idea too.

Maybe drag&drop would work? I don't know, you are the experts. I would like it if I could drag an image on any folder on my computer and drop it right in the text where I want it to be shown after posting.

But that's no souliton for mobile devices. There has to be another way.

Re: ILA drafts and attachments

Reply #3

Here you can the difference between the previous attachment and see the planned inline-attachment in 1.1. *.  These are just a few examples of the planned inline-attachment.

Sorry, must still set the permissions for guests
Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 03:54:00 am by wintstar
Regards Stephan

Re: ILA drafts and attachments

Reply #5

Since it's italian...

"Reply to topic" "Upload images or documents" "Preview..." (upper buttons)
insert (which is "inserisci" if you got lost)
"Thumbnail" "Full dimensions image" "Delete" (lower buttons)

That's what they mean :)
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: ILA drafts and attachments

Reply #6

Maybe this is more useful ;)

Re: ILA drafts and attachments

Reply #7

Sorry for hijacking the discussion, but the original intent was not really to talk about the interface (that can be changed almost at any time from now to the final version of 1.1), but about how to implement a specific feature. :P

I guess I can add a column to the database and then implement the rest of the feature while heading towards the final version... Hoping a column is enough. O:-)
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Re: ILA drafts and attachments

Reply #8

IMHO its great feature. The attachment routine is often easier to add pictures with and adding them to the post by BBC tag even better. Thats what I would suggest though, as a BBC tag. Does it mean attachments must be free from its topic? Does Elkarte link it to topic as SMF does?

I have dabbled with themes that take the first attachment(or any really) and make that as an "illustration": meaning the theme puts that on top of the post like a blog post. Having it inline makes a lot of sense to add your own "blog-thing" then. Its of course ONLY relevant for picture attachments. Normal files are treated as regular attachments.

Going a bit off-topic here(because this is interesting stuff for me lol) but I even tried "preset" containers at one time. Meaning if I put a BBC tag of a certain kind, the theme would hide it in the textarea(but add it back when saving) and rather show a dedicated input form for it. For example: a category or tag used, or some other info that could be made into malleable "items" in the same theme. The code would still save it as BBC tags, but the layout could be totally different and you didn't have to make the carefully crafted posts again and again, when you added new ones. The data would also already be there when you decide to change the whole layout(imagine changing 100's of posts if you like to change the post-layout abit.) And..since its just BBC code, other themes would preserve the data, although not using it actively.

To tie that in with ILA...that BBC tag could easily be made into select lists then. By adding some sort of class to the tag, you could re-use the ILA for different purposes in the theme - just by adding the BBC tags.(prob. first time you need to save it and then re-open to select attachments etc, though JS could be used to transform it on the fly. IMO Its not important that the user sees the transfomation either, in fact that would be helpful to understand the relationship)

Sorry for the off-topic lol.

Re: ILA drafts and attachments

Reply #9

Oh my, I see now I was a bit hasty lol.

You mean attachments for drafts. I would think an extra "draft" column would be enough. Might need some cleaning out routines though, I assume most people don't want attachments in abandoned draft posts lingering on the server.

Re: ILA drafts and attachments

Reply #10

Quote from: Bloc – I assume most people don't want attachments in abandoned draft posts lingering on the server.

In Elkarte there is an option to autodelete drafts after some time. I set it to 30 days, I think this can also be used for attachments
sorry for my bad english

Re: ILA drafts and attachments

Reply #11

Well, I think people would be more upset by writing down a nicely formatted post, with inline attachments just to discover that the draft didn't save the attachments and messed with the inline images.
It's not that people will start saving drafts with attachments all over the place just to fill the server, but as usual, measures can be taken to "reduce" the impact, for example limit the number of drafts a user can save (see the other topic about distinguish between "saved" drafts and "autosaved" ones).
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Re: ILA drafts and attachments

Reply #12

I agree with you Emanuele
sorry for my bad english

Re: ILA drafts and attachments

Reply #13

I started looking into save attachments for drafts. What scares me is that it looks too easy... :-\
Something is definitely wrong. nods
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Re: ILA drafts and attachments

Reply #14

Try to add a bug. This would make it much more complicated!  ;)