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Upgrade 1.0.5 fails Started by aysande · · Read 2225 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Upgrade 1.0.5 fails


I'm a newbie and have been developing a forum using Elkarte 1.0.4. Yesterday I followed the upgrade procedure provided on but it has failed and my server is no longer functioning.

First error was to do with db_last_error.txt - the 1.0.5 expected "db_last_error.txt" while 1.0.4 has installed "db_last_error.php". I corrected that by changing .php to .txt.

Now it simply gives the error message "Unknown column 'type' in 'where clause'' and the rest of the page is blank.

In future, is it more advisable to install the new version and migrate forum data? If so, where can I instructions for this?

Kindly assist

Re: ElkArte 1.0.5 - Release announcement

Reply #1


I made an error and tried following upgrade instructions provided on

My new forum is now broken with error Unknown column 'type' in 'where clause' on a blank page.

How can I recover?

Re: Upgrade 1.0.5 fails

Reply #2

I feel you used the 1.1 development version.
The php => txt change is planned for 1.1 and not for 1.0.5.
Usually, the way to "upgrade" from 1.0.x to 1.0.y is to use the package manager, following the instructions at the end of the release announcements:
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Re: Upgrade 1.0.5 fails

Reply #3

Quote from: aysande – My new forum is now broken with error Unknown column 'type' in 'where clause' on a blank page.

How can I recover?
Download the file from:
extract it, delete the files:
* install_1-0_postgresql.sql
and upload the rest overwriting what you have on the server.
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Features destroyer.
Template killer.