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@moderator(s) or @admin(s) Started by Spuds · · Read 5524 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: @moderator(s) or @admin(s)

Reply #15

I like this, at the very least as a mod (@mention groups might be cool, but that I could definitely see getting spammy). If built in as a feature, I'd hope it also accompanies a full permission system for @mentions, such as which membergroups can @mention, and which group members can be @mentioned and so forth, because special tags like @mod and @admin probably need to be opt-in by default to avoid spam concerns.

Re: @moderator(s) or @admin(s)

Reply #16

Well, you need to take into consideration what the mention system was built for and its intended purpose.

Moderation concerns (such as a post that infringes on the rules of the boards) should not mix with a social application where you want to bring attention to another member. They should be two separate things, while you can mention a moderator's name and they will see it under their mentions, as a moderator I would hate having moderation concerns clumped up together with actual mentions that are more worthwhile for me to read.

Notifying a group of the on-goings of a board doesn't need to be done through the mention system. It could be an alternative system built specifically for notifying members of a group of a thread. We already have the "Notify" feature, albeit all it does is send replies to the thread to your email address. It could be expanded where selecting a group to notify via email or an automated PM message. This functionality would be limited to those that have permission, such as thread owner, global moderators, moderators, and privileged groups.

Re: @moderator(s) or @admin(s)

Reply #17

Quote from: Dr. Doom – Well, you need to take into consideration what the mention system was built for and its intended purpose.

Moderation concerns (such as a post that infringes on the rules of the boards) should not mix with a social application where you want to bring attention to another member. They should be two separate things, while you can mention a moderator's name and they will see it under their mentions, as a moderator I would hate having moderation concerns clumped up together with actual mentions that are more worthwhile for me to read.

Notifying a group of the on-goings of a board doesn't need to be done through the mention system. It could be an alternative system built specifically for notifying members of a group of a thread. We already have the "Notify" feature, albeit all it does is send replies to the thread to your email address. It could be expanded where selecting a group to notify via email or an automated PM message. This functionality would be limited to those that have permission, such as thread owner, global moderators, moderators, and privileged groups.

I disagree. I've seen people use/reuse/misuse/abuse features for all sorts of things they were never intended to do. Giving site admins the power to build their sites as they wish, and not as the developer's wish, is one of the reasons that attracted me to this line of software (SMF->Elk). There's certainly things that developers encourage to be added as mods instead of core features, but I've seen them actively assist with the subsequent mod development, so it doesn't bother me.

I honestly don't see the problem with having a feature or mod that allows for this, especially if the site admin is able to enable/disable it at will. What a site admin uses a feature for is up to them, I've never seen this software take a stance as to what a site's rules and workings should be, and I don't believe for a second that it would start.

It's up to the Elk devs to make this a feature or not, but I truly hope that if they choose not, that someone makes it into a mod.

Re: @moderator(s) or @admin(s)

Reply #18

What are you disagreeing with?

Re: @moderator(s) or @admin(s)

Reply #19

Maybe a flag button to notify the moderators or admins? Sometimes I use it to report spammer in a forum, using Vanilla though.
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