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Display iframe code result on post Started by anagnam · · Read 4855 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Display iframe code result on post

Hello again Devs,

Is it possible to display the iframe code in the post? No, not as code snippet but as actual iframe code result.

thanks once again in advance  :)

Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #1

I guess, you need to enable HTML BBC tag in editor to do that. Let me warn you, it is not something I would advise for non admin users.

Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #2

thanks @Wizard, where exactly can I find that setting so I can enable it.

Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #3

I am not sure. It must be under BBC settings. That means somewhere in post or topic settings.

Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #4

@Wizard I found where to enable it. Its under Forum > Posts and topics > BBC. Unfortunately it doesnt work even if its enabled.
I mean the BBC work but for basic HTML markup only. not for iframe.

Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #5

You need to wrap the iframe in
Code: [Select]
[html] iframe code here [/html]


Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #6

@Wizard its still not working unfortunately.

Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #7

It should, provided

1. You have enabled use of HTMLin editor

2. You have use the [html] [/html] to wrap the iframe code

Check and confirm if these are met. If still not working, I am not sure why.

You can alternatively see the user group permissions, whether it allow use of html on editor even if you allowed in BBC settings.

Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #8

The HTML tag was removed from ElkArte since... I think 1.0.1 for security reasons.
Use HTML is a security risk.
There is an addon the restores the HTML tag, but I would suggest to consider explaining why you need to post an iframe and investigate if there are better solutions.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #9

Hi @emanuele the reason I want to use an iframe on a post is because Im running an educational forum where I give each lessons as a separate posts. There is one lesson (1 post) that I want to display an iframe widget from a third-party site so I can explain it further. I hope we could come up with an addon just for this purpose if its now possible to do so. As always, any ideas on how I can achieve this goal is greatly appreciated.

Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #10

I too used to think ways to use <iframe></iframe>. Wish they simply uploaded the YouTube video.

Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #11

For youtube you just have to use the url of the video, no need for iframes.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #12

@emanuele can I use the same principle as the youtube where I will just provide a link and it will be automatically iframes exactly the same iframe code I got from the third-party vendor? Maybe if I could duplicate the same functionality for the youtube so I can create the same functionality for my own use. Is it possible?

Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #13

You need to give more information about what you're trying to do.

Re: Display iframe code result on post

Reply #14

@emanuele @Joshua Dickerson please refer to the attached image. In the left is the iframe code and on the right is the preview. I want to embed that iframe in the post so I can explain what is all about and the user can actually see the live widget and interact on it. Can it be done? many thanks again in advance.